Sick and Family Leave (Faculty)

No. 3-21a Rev. 03-10-09 Date 05-16-79







State Board of Regents Policy and Procedures R821, Employee Benefits
PPM 3-2, Employee Definitions
PPM 3-29, Leaves of Absence Without Pay
PPM 3-29a, Family and Medical Leave
PPM 3-45, Fringe Benefits
PPM 8-3, Academic Rank
PPM 8-6, Faculty Appointments
PPM 8-23, Probationary Period for Tenure
PPMs 9-9 through 9-18


A. Salaried faculty - a salaried employee holding academic rank or title as defined in PPM 8-1 or 8-6.

B. Non-salaried faculty - a non-salaried employee paid for hours worked or by project who does not qualify for benefits defined in PPM 3-45, except as noted therein. This includes adjunct faculty, affiliate faculty, clinical faculty, concurrent faculty and research faculty.


A. Salaried faculty members do not accrue vacation or sick leave. Therefore, (1) personal illness, (2) birth of a child, (3) adoption of a child, or (4) absences from work due to an extended illness of a spouse, dependent child, or parent will be covered as approved by the Department Chair and Dean or as covered under PPM 3-29a, Family and Medical Leave (FMLA).

B. All salaried faculty will be compensated at full pay and benefits for a period of up to 12 weeks annually from the inception of leave. The annual period will be calculated in the same manner as PPM 3-29a.

1. The Department Chair, in cooperation with the Dean, shall assure that the salaried faculty member's teaching responsibilities shall be covered appropriately.

2. If the salaried faculty member chooses to take a full 12 weeks of paid leave, additional time may be taken through (1) leave without pay, (2) reassignment of duties with reduced pay, or (3) reassignment of duties at full pay. The type of additional leave needs to be negotiated with the Department Chair and Dean. After four weeks of leave without pay, the salaried faculty member will no longer be eligible for paid benefits, until she or he returns to work.

3. In the event that both members of a married couple are employed by the University, and at least one is a salaried faculty, the leave benefit to provide child care related to a new-born or an adoption will be taken only by one or the other, or one benefit will be shared between them.

4. Extension of the probationary period for tenure is allowed per PPM 8-23.

C. The University reserves the right to require substantiation of absences.

D. Record of extended sick leave is to be maintained by the Department Chair or appropriate administrator.

E. A physician's statement indicating the condition of the employee and fitness for duty may be required.

F. At the conclusion of 12 weeks of continual leave caused by the salaried faculty member's own disabling health condition, the salaried faculty member must apply for long-term disability. Regardless of eligibility for long-term disability, the salaried faculty member's teaching position at the University will be held for one year from the inception of leave in anticipation of a return to duty.

G. The University has the option of terminating a salaried faculty member's right to the position after one year of leave subject to the due process provisions of Sections 9-9 through 9-18 of the PPM. Salaried faculty members can reapply for subsequent positions for which they are qualified as posted by the university.

H. If a salaried faculty member's non-FMLA protected pattern of leave/attendance creates an undue burden or hardship for the department, then her or his employment may be terminated subject to the due process provisions of Sections 9-9 through 9-18 of the PPM.

I. The provisions of this policy shall not supersede any federal or state law that provides greater employee leave benefits and/or rights than are offered in this policy.