PPM 3-27, Administrative Leave

Responsible Office: Human Resources

1.0    POLICY

This policy outlines eligibility for administrative leave for staff members. 


2.1     PPM 3-25, Sabbatical Leave


3.1 Administrative Leave - A leave of absence with compensation for a year or fraction thereof for an executive or exempt staff member.

3.2 Working period - The period of time and percent of effort for which the executive or exempt staff member would normally be scheduled to work within the fiscal year.

4.0    POLICY

4.1 After a minimum of six years' full-time equivalent service at the University, on the recommendation of the appropriate director or supervisor and with the approval of the appropriate vice president, and the president, an executive or exempt staff member may be granted leave of absence with pay for the purpose of study, research, or other pursuit, the object of which is the professional improvement and advancement of the individual as well as increased usefulness to the University.

4.2 The length of an administrative leave will be based upon such criteria as potential contribution to the institution, nature of the leave, and length of service of the applicant. It is expected that the guidelines set forth in the sabbatical leave policy for faculty members (PPM 3-25) will be followed.

4.3 Salary paid during the leave period will be a percentage of the applicant's base for the year in which leave is taken according to the following guidelines:

  • Full working period = 75% of base pay for leave period
  • 3/4 of working period = 78% of base pay for leave period
  • 1/2 of working period = 83% of base pay for leave period
  • 1/4 of working period = 100% of base pay for leave period

These rates may be reduced appropriately when the applicant receives compensation during the leave from sources outside the University.

4.4 Applicants with less-than-twelve-month employment are eligible to apply for administrative leave only for the period during which they are employed.

4.5 In accepting an administrative leave, the applicant immediately agrees either to return to the institution for at least one year immediately following the leave or to refund the salary received during the leave.

4.6 An administrative leave is approved on the assumption that the full leave period will be utilized for such purpose as to improve one's skills and proficiency in one's assignment at the University. Any remunerative work in which the applicant is to be engaged while on administrative  leave must be approved by the appropriate vice president and President. This limitation shall not forbid the acceptance by the applicant while on leave of a scholarship or fellowship carrying a stipend for the purpose of study, research, or scientific investigation or the acceptance of a grant of money made for such purposes, provided the acceptance does not impose duties and obligations on the recipient incompatible with the general purpose for which the leave was granted.

4.7 When on administrative leave, the applicant's salary increase, promotion consideration, and other appropriate benefits are to be the same as if they were on regular duty. Fringe benefits to the extent of existing policy will be provided during the leave. Vacation will not accrue during the course of an administrative leave.

4.8 Applicants normally file a completed application for administrative leave of six months duration or longer with the appropriate vice president at least six months prior to the leave. Applicants should expect to be notified as to approval or disapproval within two months of applying, unless extenuating circumstances preclude such notification. Applications for leaves of less than six months should normally be filed at least three months in advance.

4.9 Upon completion of an administrative leave, the recipient shall file with the appropriate vice president and director or supervisor a detailed report of activities during the leave and of the extent to which the purposes of the leave were met.

Revision History  
Creation Date: 1-15-78
Amended: 11-18-98; 10-31-24