Employee Organizations

No.  3-38   Rev.  09-13-05     Date   8-17-77    



A. Employee Rights

The University expects to be fair with employees. It is not necessary for an employee to join an employee organization to obtain fair treatment or exercise his/her right to make suggestions, utilize the grievance procedure, or communicate openly with University supervisors and administrators. Employees not belonging to employee organizations have a right to remain independent. Further, the University administration will not allow any organization or individual to attempt to force an employee to join an employee organization.

Every employee is guaranteed the right to refuse to join, or to join, an employee organization. University administrators and supervisors will insure that this right is maintained and that employees are encouraged to communicate their concerns openly.

B. Organizational Activities on Campus

University facilities and services are available to employee organizations on the same terms and conditions as they are available to other non-University organizations. In accordance with this policy, University supervisors are expected to insure compliance with the following requirements:

1. An employee organization and its members are subject to all other applicable policies.

2. Use of University facilities and meeting rooms for meetings of employee organizations will be permitted on a non-preferential basis consistent with University policies provided such meetings are not scheduled for times or in locations that will interfere with or disrupt normal instructional, research or working duties of employees. Organizational meetings not open to all interested persons should not be scheduled in University facilities except as authorized by the University Speaker Policy.

3. University bulletin boards, services, equipment or materials and supplies--including campus mail services, reproduction equipment, printing facilities, telephones, vehicles, stationery and other office supplies--are not to be employed for the private purposes of employee organizations or their members except as University policies permit such use on a cost-reimbursement or fee basis.

4. A University employee or representative of an employee organization may not solicit memberships, dues or contributions for an employee organization or for a purpose or program sponsored by an employee organization during regular working hours or at any time or in any manner that disrupt work activities.