Job-Related Accidents and Injury

No.  3-57   Rev.       Date  8-17-77



  • , Workers Compensation


A. Accidents resulting in personal injury are to be reported immediately to the employee's immediate supervisor, and within twenty-four hours to the campus Workers Compensation Office. This reporting procedure is a Workers Compensation Fund of Utah (WCF) requirement.

B. An accident report form must normally be completed by both employee and supervisor within two working days of the injury. These forms are to be submitted to the campus Workers Compensation Office.

C. Only serious injuries are to be handled by a hospital emergency room. All other routine injury treatments will be handled by the medical clinic specified by Weber State. Supervisors are responsible for arranging transportation for injured employees to emergency treatment facilities when immediate care is necessary. If injuries are life threatening, the supervisor should call 9-911.

D. After initial treatment and diagnosis at the specified medical clinic, an employee may request follow-up treatment by a personal physician.

E. Weber State has the right to require a second medical opinion regarding any diagnosis.

F. When the attending physician directs a period of recuperation during which the employee must be absent from work, Weber State will require a signed statement from the physician.

G. Weber State will encourage medical diagnosis to allow quick return to light duty and full duty work. Decisions with regard to continuing treatment or rehabilitation will involve the campus Workers Compensation Office.