Action by the Dean

No.  8-19   Rev.   7-13-99    Date  5-13-81 (formerly 8-32)     




As described more fully in PPM 8-12, the dean is responsible for distributing copies of appropriate tenure and/or promotion criteria to candidates and for convening a meeting for all college faculty in the tenure review process or for faculty who are being considered for advancement in rank to discuss criteria, files, processes and faculty rights and responsibilities. All candidates shall be informed by the dean of the provisions contained in PPM 8-20 and/or PPM 9-17 concerning the right to request a hearing before the Faculty Board of Review if it is alleged that due process procedures were not followed in the evaluative process and/or actions taken or recommendations made are alleged to have been in violation of the faculty member's constitutional rights or rights outlined in PPMs 9-1 through 9-9. Such notification shall be provided at the beginning of the evaluation process in accordance with the dated guidelines contained in PPM 8-12

The dean shall review the file of each candidate for advancement in rank and shall make a recommendation in writing stating reasons therefore, and shall inform the candidate(s) the chair of the department Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, the provost and the relevant department chair, in writing, of the dean's recommendation, adding a copy to the candidates file in accordance with the dated guidelines contained in PPM 8-12

The dean shall review the file for each tenure candidate or probationary tenure candidate, shall make a recommendation in writing stating reasons therefore, and add them to the file. The dean shall inform the candidate(s), the chair of the department Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, the provost and the relevant department chair in writing of the dean's recommendation, adding a copy to the candidate's file.  

There may or may not be a review by the provost for candidates for either promotion or tenure. The dean shall inform the provost that the files are ready for review and shall also inform the candidate of any cases in which there is a disagreement between any of the recommendations of the department Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, the college Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee and the dean. The provost must review and make recommendations on those candidates where there is such a disagreement. They may review any or all of the other candidates or simply let stand the earlier recommendations without review or comment. 

A candidate has the right to petition the provost for a review. At their sole discretion the provost has the right to grant or deny that petition.