Voting Eligibility of Non-Teaching Persons Holding Rank

No. 8-4    Rev. 7-8-93      Date   11-12-80    



PPM 1-13, Article I: Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws


Individuals holding rank in an academic department but serving in non-academic areas shall be considered "general faculty members eligible to vote" and may vote for representation on University-wide committees through the academic department in which they hold rank. They are not eligible for election to the Faculty Senate nor may they vote on departmental issues without the consent of the department members. They may not serve on ranking tenure evaluation committees.

Individuals who do not qualify for faculty rank, as outlined earlier, are not considered "general faculty members with the right to vote."

Individuals holding ranks of emeritus or visiting status or serving in non-academic areas shall not be included in Faculty Senate apportionment computations.