PPM 9-14, Standards of Behavior and Disciplinary Actions

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs


This policy outlines standards of behavior for which faculty members may be disciplined and possible disciplinary actions.


2.1 PPM Section 9, Academic Freedom, Rights, Responsibilities, and Due Process


3.1 Standards of Behavior.

3.1.1 Disciplinary action may be employed when it has been determined that a faculty member has engaged in the following conduct: professional incompetence; serious misconduct or unethical behavior; legal misconduct substantially related to performance of duties; serious violation of rules; the conviction of a crime affecting the fitness of the faculty member to engage in teaching, research, service, outreach, administration, or other assigned duties; falsified credentials or plagiarism; or inability or unwillingness to meet institutional expectations, including failure to address deficiencies outlined in a remediation plan following post-tenure review.

3.1.2 Disciplinary action should reflect the seriousness of the violation. Disciplinary action may serve to:  assure self-improvement and reform;  deter future violations; and  reinforce academic freedom and the rights and responsibilities of faculty members by demonstrating that violations of the standards set forth in University policies cannot be tolerated and will be judiciously prosecuted within the academic community.

3.1.3 Dismissal may be imposed only on the findings that a faculty member has engaged in serious misconduct outlined herein. Dismissals for cause shall be made only after proper investigation by the administrative officers of the institution and processes described in PPMs 9-9 through 9-17 have been followed, as appropriate.

3.1.4 When a faculty member is accused of violations of the law, the faculty member shall be subject to disciplinary action under these provisions, if the responsible administrator or Faculty Board of Review finds, based on a preponderance of the evidence, that the behavior violated the professional standards outlined herein.

3.2 The following punitive disciplinary actions may be imposed as outlined in PPMs 9-11 and 9-12:

3.2.1 verbal censure;

3.2.2 written reprimand;

3.2.3 disciplinary probation (not exceeding one year), to which reasonable provisions may be attached;

3.2.4 suspension with pay (not exceeding one semester);

3.2.5 suspension without pay (not exceeding one year);

3.2.6 restitution (payment for property damages, services lost, etc.);

3.2.7 reassignment of duties (as a disciplinary action, rather than for legitimate interests as otherwise permitted by policy); and/or

3.2.8 dismissal.

A combination of any of the above may be imposed, providing the action is less than dismissal. Disciplinary actions do not have to follow the order outlined above. In addition, the faculty member may be required to make restitution or remedy a situation created by the faculty member's violation of University policy. At any time, the Dean or Provost may require a remediation plan for a faculty member who is not performing well. A remediation plan is not a disciplinary action, but failure to meet the requirements of a remediation plan may be cause for disciplinary action.

3.3 Interim Leave with Pay.  In the event that a respondent is charged with violating university standards, the Provost may place the faculty member on interim leave with pay if the Provost reasonably believes that such action is necessary to prevent substantial harm to the university or some member of the university community, and pending the outcome of the due process proceedings contained in PPMs 9-11 and 9-12. Interim leave is not considered a disciplinary action, but rather a temporary device to protect the University’s interests. At any time, the Provost may also institute no-contact directives, which are also considered non-disciplinary. 

3.4 Interim Leave without Pay. The Provost, in consultation with the President, may place the faculty member on leave without pay, pending the outcome of the due process proceedings contained in PPMs 9-11 and 9-12, if the Provost determines that the faculty member intentionally and clearly refuses or is unable to perform the essential duties of a faculty member. Prior to this decision, the faculty member shall have an opportunity to meet with or provide a written statement to the Provost to present the faculty member’s views. If an interim leave without pay was imposed, a faculty member shall be entitled to reimbursement of lost salary if the findings of the due process procedure find no violation of appropriate standards.

Revision History  

Creation Date: 3-7-74

Amended: 12-7-87; 5-22-24