PPM 9-16, Termination Due to Program

Discontinuance/Modification or Financial Exigency

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs


This policy describes when a faculty member may be terminated due to program discontinuance or modification or financial exigency.


2.1 PPM 1-14a, Program Modification or Discontinuance Review Procedure
2.2 PPM 9-14, Standards of Behavior and Disciplinary Action
2.3 Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R482


3.1 A faculty member may be terminated other than for violation of the standards in PPM 9-14 for financial exigency or when a program or department of instruction is discontinued or modified to such a degree that the tenured faculty member’s position is no longer needed. 

3.2 Declaration of a financial exigency may only be made in accordance with standards and procedures described in Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R482, which supersedes University policy where inconsistent. 

3.3 Program modification or discontinuance may only occur in accordance with standards and procedures described in PPM 1-14a.

3.4 When a faculty member with tenure is terminated or given a renewal contract with a substantially reduced status because of financial exigencies or discontinuance or modification of a program, a department of instruction or other equivalent tenure-granting academic subdivision, notice of such termination or reduction in status shall be given at least twelve months in advance of the termination or reduction, but terminations or reductions in status during the regular academic year are to be avoided if possible. Contracts shall be renewed at a salary rate not less than their current contracts or severance pay equal to their current contract salary shall be given in lieu thereof.

3.5 In the event of program modifications, discontinuances, or financial exigencies, the institution assumes the responsibility to explore reasonable ways and means to continue meaningful service at the institution for tenured faculty members in areas in which they are or can reasonably become qualified. If a tenured faculty member is released or reduced in status for reasons of financial exigency or discontinuance or modification of a program, service unit or department of instruction, that faculty member will be given priority status for rehire, for a period of five years, if and when the program cut is restored. The rehire will be with tenure and with no less rank than that at the time of release.

3.6 An informational report of any termination or renewal with substantially reduced status pursuant to this procedure shall be furnished by the President to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.

3.7 The decision to terminate due to circumstances contained herein is not appealable to the Faculty Board of Review.

Revision History

Creation Date: 3-7-74

Amended: 12-7-87; 5-22-24