Abusive Conduct and Respectful Work Conditions
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PPM 3-15, Abusive Conduct and |
Responsible Office: |
91¶ÌÊÓƵ strives to provide a respectful work environment that fosters collaborative relationships free from abusive conduct.
2.1 PPM 3-31, Staff Employee Grievances (With Provisions for Certain Hourly Employees
2.2 PPM 3-32, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct (including Title IX)
2.3 PPM 3-33, Discipline (Staff Employees)
2.4 PPM 3-67, Violence Prevention Policy
2.5 PPM Section 9, Academic Freedom, Rights, Responsibilities, and Due Process
2.6 Utah Code Ann. § 67-26-203, Abusive conduct – Training - Policy
3.1 Abusive Conduct – Verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of an employee to another employee that based on the severity, nature, or frequency of the conduct a reasonable person would determine: was intended to cause intimidation, humiliation, or unwarranted distress; exploits a known physical or psychological disability; or results in substantial physical or psychological harm caused by intimidation, humiliation or unwarranted distress.
The following actions due to their nature or frequency are not presumed to be abusive conduct unless they are especially severe and egregious, and would, as determined by a reasonable person, meet the criteria of abusive conduct:
- a single act;
- disciplinary or administrative actions;
- coaching or work-related feedback;
- work assignments or job reassignments;
- or differences in styles of management, communication, expression, or opinion.
3.2 Physical harm - impairment of an individual's physical health or bodily integrity, as established by competent evidence.
3.3 Psychological harm - the impairment of an individual's mental health, as established by competent evidence.
4.1 Employee Obligations. University employees must:
4.1.1 Render satisfactory performance in their assigned positions, consistent with established job requirements and University and departmental standards;
4.1.2 Observe established policies, practices, and procedures in the performance of assigned responsibilities, and in the presentation of suggestions, complaints, or grievances to University supervisors and officials;
4.1.3 In carrying out their responsibilities, strive to conduct themselves in a manner that a reasonable person would find to be professional and respectful to others in the workplace; and
4.1.4 Not engage in abusive conduct.
4.2 Abusive Conduct and Respectful Work Conditions. University supervisors strive to:
4.1.1 Establish fair and orderly procedures for administering personnel relations that: Satisfy all applicable legal requirements, including but not limited to the Affirmative Action Program and non-discriminatory employment policy of the University, and Promote respect for the dignity of each employee and encourage interpersonal cooperation and support;
4.1.2 Appoint competent supervisors who are concerned for the needs and career development of the employees within their areas of responsibility;
4.1.3 Inform employees about the progress of the University and whenever possible give advance notice of changes that would affect their job;
4.1.4 Provide clear and accepted channels for the consideration of suggestions, grievances or complaints;
4.1.5 Provide the maximum job security which fair treatment and good planning can provide;
4.1.6 Provide fair and competitive compensation and benefits consistent with appropriated and available funds; and
4.1.7 Maintain secure working conditions.
5.1 Reporting and Resolving Abusive Conduct. An employee who believes that they or another employee have been subjected to abusive conduct may report, through a written abusive conduct complaint, the abusive conduct in accordance with either:
5.1.1 PPM 3-31 Staff Employee Grievances (With Certain Provisions for Hourly Employees) where the employee reported to have engaged in abusive conduct is a staff employee; or
5.1.2 PPMs 9-11, Informal Process and Informal Conciliatory Meeting and/or 9-12, Formal Hearing where the employee reported to have engaged in abusive conduct is a faculty member.
The University will resolve the reports of abusive conduct consistent with those policies. Where the reported abusive conduct involves allegations of violence or potentially violent behavior, the recipient of the report should refer the report to the appropriate office consistent with PPM 3-67, Violence Prevention. Where the reported abusive conduct alleges discrimination or harassment based on a protected classification, as described in PPM 3-32, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct (including Title IX), the recipient of the report must share that report with the Office of Equal Opportunity consistent with that policy. In addition, an employee found to have been in violation of the standards set forth herein may be subject to disciplinary action under appropriate policy.
5.2 Abusive Conduct Prevention Training. Human Resources must annually provide to all employees training on the prevention of abusive conduct in the workplace.
Revision History:
Creation Date: 8-17-77
Amended: 11-18-20; 3-22-22