PPM 4-3, New Programs and Centers

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

1.0      PURPOSE

The purpose of this policy is to describe the process to create new programs and centers.


2.1    Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R401


3.1    Center - an academic or administrative unit that primarily performs research, instruction, student services, or technology transfer functions.

3.2      Program - a program of curriculum that leads to the completion of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other credential.

4.0     POLICY 

4.1 Proposals for new academic centers must be brought to the Faculty Senate for discussion, forwarded to the Provost or Vice President for Student Access and Success (depending on the nature of the center), and then to the President for final approval.

4.2 New programs must be approved by the President and the Board of Trustees.


5.1 An entity on campus hoping to inaugurate a new center must submit their request to either the Provost or the Vice President for Student Access and Success (depending on the nature of the center). The Provost or Vice President will act as the first internal review body, determining if the proposed center furthers the mission of the University, contributes something new to the University's portfolio, is economically feasible, has adequate faculty, student, or program support, and does not duplicate work already in place.

5.2 After initial approval by the Provost or the Vice President for Student Access and Success, the proposal for an academic center should be forwarded to the Executive Committee of Faculty Senate for further consideration.

5.3 The academic center proposal should be placed as an action item on an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting agenda.

5.4 Once a recommendation is made by Faculty Senate, the academic center proposal should be forwarded to the President for final internal review.

Revision History  
Creation Date: 4-20-77
Amended: 9-5-17; 9-19-24