Food Services

No. 5-30a     Rev. 10-3-17 Date 3-14-84       



The preparation and distribution of food products on the campus of Weber State is the responsibility of the company or companies that the institution contracts with to provide its manual and vending food service. This company(ies) shall have the exclusive right to provide all commercial food services on the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ campus except as specified in this policy.

All 91¶ÌÊÓƵ food preparation and handling equipment is assigned to the food service company for appropriate use and maintenance. Certain cooking facilities such as those in the Department of Child and Family Studies and the apartment-style housing owned by the institution are not the responsibility of the food service company, but are required to operate in a non-commercial manner. They are restricted from being used for the purpose of preparing food products that are sold in competition with the food service company.

Any exceptions to this policy, unless specified below, must be approved in advance by the Manager of Environmental Health & Safety and the Director of the Student Union or his/her designee.


A. Retail Snack Sales

All retail snack sales (candy, chips, etc.) shall be the right of the food service company(ies) except for those sold at the Wildcat Stores.

B. Vending

No vending machines or other food product sales devices may be located or operated on the campus without authorization from the Director of the Student Union or his/her designee.  The use of coffee machines, refrigerators, and other small appliances, are authorized as long as they are used in a non-vending, non-commercial fashion.

C. Catering

All contracted catering of food products that takes place on the campus shall be provided by the food service company(ies).

"Catering" is defined as any food products or food service provided for any group on the Ogden campus and either: 1) purchased by any University employee with University funds in which the aggregate purchase price for the food item or food service for the group event is greater than the petty cash limit as set forth by University policy (PPM-5-11); or 2) purchased by any University employee with University funds where the food is prepared or handled beyond minimal transporting or opening of the container, etc., or where food safety concerns are involved as determined by the Manager of Environmental Health & Safety, Director of the Shepherd Union and/or applicable law or regulations; 3) served by any third party with authorization from the University.

D. "Pot Luck" Events

"Pot Luck" or similar parties for employees or students are authorized under the following conditions:

1. Food products are provided and/or prepared by employees or students from personal, rather than institutional resources.

2. 91¶ÌÊÓƵ kitchen or food handling facilities are not utilized.

3. No food products are sold, either directly or indirectly, such as an admission charge or "donation" at events where such food is served.

4. Participation by University employees is voluntary and not an officially sponsored University event.

F. Minor Refreshments for University Events

Minor food purchases are authorized under the following conditions:

1. The aggregate purchase price for the food products or service for the group event does not exceed the petty cash limit set forth by University policy (PPM 5-11).

2. The food product(s) or service(s) purchased with University resources are not prepared or handled by University employees beyond minimal transporting or opening of the container, etc., and all food safety concerns are addressed as outlined by the Manager of Environmental Health & Safety, and applicable law or regulations.

3.  The food products or services are purchased from, or served by, an established commercial provider that is in good standing with the appropriate county health department.