PPM 5-46, Use of Campus Walkways |
Responsible Office: Vice President for Administrative Services |
This policy is established to govern the use of various personal transportation devices on any campus of the University and to establish the regulations for the safe operation of vehicles on walkways to promote pedestrian safety and minimize hazardous conditions.
2.1 PPM 3-33, Discipline (Staff Employees)
2.2 PPM 5-34, Vehicle Registration and Parking
2.3 PPM 6-22, Student Code
2.4 PPM Section 9, Academic Freedom, Rights, Responsibilities, and Due Process
2.5 Utah Code § 41-6a-101, et. seq.
3.1 Operator - A person operating a moving vehicle or personal transportation device. The operator of a parked vehicle or personal transportation device is the person responsible for the vehicle or personal transportation device.
3.2 Pedestrian - Any person standing, sitting, reclining, or moving within the pedestrian zone.
3.3 Pedestrian Zone - An area officially designated to be used primarily by pedestrians where all human and electric-powered personal transportation devices are not permitted to be ridden but may be walked to designated parking areas. See the following map for the Ogden Campus pedestrian zones: .
3.4 Personal Transportation Devices - This term encompasses skateboards, roller skates, scooters, bicycles, wheelchairs, or any other motorized or non-motorized device designed for personal transportation, as well as, electric-powered devices. This does not include devices with internal combustion engines.
3.5 Vehicle - Any self-propelled apparatus or equipment used to transport personnel and/or goods, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, and golf carts, and those with internal combustion engines. Vehicles do not include personal transportation devices.
3.6 Walkway - Any horizontal concrete, ground surface, or paved surface other than designated roads, service docks, or parking lots within the pedestrian zone.
4.1 Personal Transportation Devices
4.1.1 The use of personal transportation devices on or around the University is encouraged to relieve parking congestion, improve wellness and physical fitness, and reduce pollutant emissions.
4.1.2 The use of personal transportation devices in the interior of any campus is regulated and controlled to protect pedestrian safety. The interior concrete walkways are primarily for pedestrian movement with personal transportation devices allowed as a secondary, subordinate use only where adequate safety can be maintained.
4.1.3 Pedestrian traffic always has the right of way over personal transportation device traffic.
4.1.4 Recommended transportation routes are established on selected concrete walkways to allow cross-campus personal transportation device traffic. These designated routes are shown on the approved campus map (). Personal transportation devices may not be ridden within the pedestrian zone depicted on the campus map, with the exception of wheelchairs or other mobility devices used by individuals with physical disabilities. However, these devices may be walked to a designated parking facility within the pedestrian zone. The pedestrian zone will be appropriately marked and signage approved by Facilities Management.
4.1.5 Personal transportation devices must be parked in established parking areas and cannot be attached or secured to other campus appurtenances such as lamp posts, signs, handrails, etc.
4.1.6 Personal transportation devices’ operators are encouraged to use all asphalt paving and roadways. When using roadways, operators must adhere to all applicable motor vehicle traffic regulations. (See Utah Code § 41-6a-101, et. seq.) Operators are subject to moving vehicle violations by the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Police Department (91¶ÌÊÓƵPD) for infractions of motor vehicle traffic regulations.
4.1.7 The use of personal transportation devices upon any stairway, wall, bench, fountain, grass, turf or other structure or facility is prohibited
4.1.8 Personal transportation devices should be registered at 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD to aid in recovery if they are lost or stolen. The University assumes no obligation or liability for lost or stolen personal transportation devices.
4.1.9 Personal transportation devices’ operators must comply with Utah Code § 41-6a-1106 which requires an operator to yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian. Operators may not operate their device in a negligent manner so as to collide with any pedestrian, vehicle, or other person operating a personal transportation device.
4.1.10 Personal transportation devices’ operators shall wear a helmet where required by law and ride their device in a controlled manner, exercising due care and reasonable caution to prevent injury to others, to self, or to property. Operators must not exceed a five miles per hour speed limit when operating on sidewalks or in parking lots. Personal transportation devices’ speed limits on streets and in parking lots are the same as for motor vehicles.
4.2 Vehicles on Walkways
4.2.1 Use of walkways for vehicle travel, including within the pedestrian zone, is prohibited without a permit. Most service functions can be accommodated at existing service docks and parking at or near each building. Permits may be granted for a vehicle operator to use walkways on a limited basis, such as when no other alternative exists.
4.2.2 Decisions regarding granting of permits will be made by the 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD and may include: emergency service vehicles (fire, ambulance, police) when responding to emergencies, snow removal/ maintenance equipment, and bicycles in designated zones. There may be other requests for sidewalk use that will be evaluated on an individual basis. Each request is subject to the permitting process.
4.2.3 Permits will be issued to operators operating vehicles with legitimate need to drive on walkways. Permit request forms will be available through the 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD. Permit requesters must state why a walkway permit is necessary and why no other alternative will allow them to complete their business on the campus. If the requesting individual is a University employee, the request must be approved by the immediate dean or director of the requesting employee. Individuals granted a permit must abide by requirements for obtaining the permit and accept personal responsibility for vehicle operation. Permits will be issued on a project duration basis, usually not more than one day in length. University funds may not be used to pay citations issued for violation of this policy or permit requirements.
4.2.4 Vehicle operators granted a permit will not be allowed to park on the walks unless no other alternative exists. No vehicle (moving or parked) within the zone may impede pedestrian movement or cause unsafe conditions on walkways, stairways, or ramps. No vehicle may impede pedestrian access to building entrances or exits.
4.2.5 Vehicle operators granted a permit must still maintain a speed of no greater than five miles per hour when within 20 feet of any person. Operators may not overtake or pass moving pedestrians, except when pedestrians voluntarily yield to vehicles. All vehicles utilizing the walks will, at all times, while on the walks, have vehicle hazard lights in operation.
4.2.6 All vehicles will be prohibited, with the exceptions of exigent circumstances, from operating or parking on walks within the pedestrian zone from 6:45 AM to 1:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
4.2.7 Golf carts and ATV's are prohibited on campus walkways without written approval from the Vice President of Administrative Services and must adhere to the requirements of this policy. Any golf cart or ATV operating in parking lots or on the roadways must meet the Utah State Traffic Code as "Street Legal." (See Utah Code § 41-6a-101, et. seq.).
4.3 Electric-Powered Personal Transportation Devices and Charging
4.3.1 Electric-powered personal transportation devices are strictly prohibited from being used, parked, or stored within any University building. These devices must remain outside the building premises at all times.
4.3.2 Charging of electric-powered personal transportation devices is not permitted inside University buildings. Individuals are prohibited from using indoor electrical outlets to charge their devices. Charging these devices should be done in designated outdoor charging stations or any other designated areas specified by the University.
5.1 Enforcement Procedures
5.1.1 All members of the University community are expected to follow and may report suspected violations of this policy to 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD for the safety of the community. 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD and/or its designees may remove locks, impound, and/or cite for parking or moving violations. The University is not responsible for damage to or theft of personal transportation devices, vehicles, or their accessories.
5.1.2 Any member of the University community can refer a student to the Dean of Students Office, a faculty/staff member to their supervisor or Human Resources for unsafe operation or improper storage of a personal transportation device or vehicle. A referral should include the location of the occurrence, the name of the person (if known), and a description of the violation.
5.1.3 The 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD will patrol the walkways and the pedestrian zone. Citations may be issued to those who violate this policy or other traffic laws.
5.1.4 Parking of vehicles is regulated under PPM 5-34. Any vehicle or personal transportation device that impedes a walkway, pedestrian traffic, or access ways for persons with disabilities, such as pedestrian walks, ramps, exits, entrances to buildings, and stairways, will be subject to impoundment, towing, and fines according to current parking fine schedules.
5.2 Violations and Penalties
5.2.1 Students found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to penalties imposed in accordance with PPM 6-22. Staff found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to penalties imposed in accordance with PPM 3-33. Faculty found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to penalties imposed in accordance with PPM 9-14. All student, staff, or faculty who violate this policy may be subject to penalties imposed by 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD; and/or civil or criminal penalties.
5.2.2 Campus visitors found to be in violation of this policy will be asked to leave and may be subject to penalties imposed by the 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD and/or civil or criminal penalties.
5.3 Impoundment
5.3.1 Any unattended personal transportation device or vehicle that presents a safety hazard or impedes pedestrian traffic may be impounded immediately without notice.
5.3.2 The University is not responsible for damage to a personal transportation device or vehicle that occurs during impoundment and has no responsibility or liability to replace or make compensation for such devices, their locks, or other accessories.
5.3.3 Impounded personal transportation devices or vehicles must be collected by the owner within 90 days. After 90 days, they will be disposed of by the University per Utah State law.
5.3.4 Payment of an administrative fee may be required to retrieve an impounded vehicle, per Utah State law and in accordance with rules created by 91¶ÌÊÓƵPD.
5.3.5 The University will conduct regular educational campaigns to raise awareness of these regulations and promote safe and responsible use of personal transportation devices on campus.
Revision History
Creation Date: 5-13-03
Amended: 12-04-12; 9-19-24