PPM 6-11, Eligibility for Student Activities

Responsible Office: Vice President for Student Access and Success

1.0    PURPOSE

This policy sets forth eligibility for participation in organized student activities at the University.

2.0     POLICY

Students may be eligible to participate in organized student activities at the University in accordance with the following standards: 

2.1    All organization officers, leaders, and members with authority to represent the organization both within and outside the University, must be matriculated students, currently enrolled, and working toward a degree or certification. Furthermore, they must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 (C average). 

2.2    Within the above parameters, specific programs, organizations, and activities may establish more stringent eligibility standards provided that such standards are consistent with the University's nondiscrimination policies. 

2.3    To represent the University in intercollegiate athletics, students must comply with the eligibility regulations of the University, and the constitutions and operating codes of the NCAA and the Big Sky Conference, or other applicable conference.

Revision History  
Creation Date: 4-20-77
Amended: 4-28-04; 10-31-24