PM 8-10, Termination of Faculty Appointment

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs


This policy describes conditions for termination of faculty appointments. 


2.1 PPM 9-14, Standards of Behavior and Disciplinary Action
2.2 PPM 9-16, Termination Due to Program Discontinuance/Modification or Financial Exigency


3.1 Termination of faculty services to the University is determined by the following:

3.1.1 A faculty member initiates the termination by resigning from the position.

3.1.2 A faculty member is terminated during the probationary appointment or under the terms of a contract by administrative action.

3.1.3 A faculty member with tenure is terminated for adequate cause as determined by the President, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, if the decision was appealed through PPM 9-12. 

3.1.4 A faculty member is terminated due to program discontinuance or modification or financial exigency in accordance with PPM 9-16.

3.2 Termination of tenured faculty results in:

3.2.1 Automatic loss of tenure.

3.2.2 Automatic loss of rank and all associated privileges, except in cases of retirement.

3.3 If the department intends to re-hire a faculty member after their services have been terminated, the following guidelines are to be observed:

Except in cases of termination under PPM 9-16, the individual under consideration for re-hiring is to be treated like a new faculty member. The rank will be established in accordance with University hiring policies. The faculty member does not have tenure status unless a specific agreement between the provost, dean of the college, departmental faculty and the re-hired person is reached, whereby it becomes a condition of re-employment. In all such cases, the President has the final authority of decision. Ranking tenure evaluation committees consider previous service as a factor for granting tenure to the re-hired person but are not bound to do so.


Revision History  

Creation Date: 11-12-80

Amended: 1-18-95; 5-22-24