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Travel Grants

RSPG will provide up to $750 to offset the total cost of travel with documentation of acceptance. The travel funding application form is limited to $750 per trip. Trips which require more funding (i.e., international travel), or which occur after the initial travel funding is exhausted, are welcome to apply for larger grants in the Fall and Spring semester including Hemingway, Innovative Teaching, and Research and Professional Grants.

If the number of applications received are higher then the amount the committee has available to fund, priority will be given to faculty who have not received RSPG monies in the past and/or those who will not have a chance to re-apply before the next grant deadline. If excess funds are left over then the grant will be reopened at a later date.

Please note that RSPG does not fund travel to attend conferences where you are not presenting, however money for faculty mentors to attend a conference is available through the Office of Undergraduate Research. The committee will consider applications for conferences where the applicant has not yet received a conference acceptance; however, funding will be contingent on acceptance. Travel to conferences which focus on improving one's teaching or innovative teaching strategies can also be applied for under Innovative Teaching grants in the Fall/Spring.