Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence and Professional Sales Annual Report

Advancing excellence in sales education where academia and industry converge:
Together, the Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence and the Professional Sales Department experienced purposeful growth in 2019-2020.
Sales Industry
partnerships grew
Programming enabled an increase in role-play scenarios and attendance to more sales competitions nationwide
A greater focus on department-wide sales based research was cultivated
Global impact of converging sales training curricula and need-based concentrations in Latin America
Important sales curriculum
updates were implemented
99% of Professional Sales graduates accepted high caliber sales roles
Nine full time dedicated Professional Sales faculty
52 years of sales education. One of the first of its kind in the country.
The Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence and the Professional Sales Department at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, combined with dynamic industry partnerships continue to advance the professional selling profession and accelerate momentum in sales leadership, which is far-reaching and can be found across the globe.
Read on for more updates
National Collegiate Sales Competition Spring 2020
Kennesaw State University, Georgia-
Weber State took first place in the NCSC Virtual Career Fair competition with over 800 national participants. Weber State also took home two first-place wins in the Speed Selling competition.
The Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence Sales Speaker Series presented by England Logistics
The Sales Speaker Series is an opportunity to listen to industry sales leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs as they detail their successes, failures, and lessons they've learned along the way. Many of the special guest lecturers are ProSales graduates and Sales Center Partners. It is a great opportunity to network and receive guidance as you grow your education into a career.
Lectures are held in the Wildcat Theater in the Shepherd Union Building on 91¶ÌÊÓƵ's main campus 2-3x's during the fall and spring semesters.

Dr. Steven Eichmeier retires after 52 years of service to Weber State
In 1968, the Utah State Department of Higher Education asked Weber State College to start a two-year associate’s degree in Marketing, also called Distributive Education. Steven H. Eichmeier was hired to write a grant proposal to fund the new program, establish courses, prepare curriculum and recruit students. Classes began fall quarter 1968 with 15 students enrolled. In 1985, the Sales program officially became a four-year bachelor's program. Fast forward to 2019 and Dr. Echimeier, having enjoyed teaching and working in many different capacities retired before fall semester 2019.
Dr. Steven Eichmeier's career parallels the timeline of the historic Professional Sales Department. We honor his dedication to the Technical and Professional Selling degree programs and we have all been grateful for his continued support of innovative sales curriculum. The university, the community partners and the students and graduates who span the world representing leadership in the practice of advanced selling are ever indebted to our good friend, Dr. Steven Eichmeier.
First Annual Networking - Speed Interview Golf Tournament at Top Golf
October 2019 – The Senior Speed Interview event has been a tradition in the Pro Sales program for years. This year, we combined efforts with the Profesional Sales Student Association (PSSA) to create a fun event that could double as a high-level environment for Sales students to network with top Sales companies and compete in a friendly competition of golf while raising funds for sales competition travel for the PSSA. Over 25 leading executive companies were able to network and interview 50 Professional Sales students in a lively atmosphere. The event began with breakfast with an event overview, then company executives were disappeared into decorated and swagged out golf bays. Student teams rotated through the golf bays every 7 minutes until most every student and Sales executive golfed and networked. The day culminated with an awards luncheon with more opportunities for networking. The event was a huge success and we look forward to hosting another Top Golf Networking event in 2021!

PSSA Student Retreat
Zermatt Resort, Midway, Utah
September 2019 – The Professional Sales Student Association kicked off the year at a fall retreat held at the Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah. Dr. Brock Adams, PSSA advisor, planned a wonderfully unique and competitive event based on "Money Ball" that challenged student teams to be creative and use their Sales Skills. Collaboration and celebration were themes shared as the students learned how to adapt and think critically in an effort to better prepare for the busy sales competition season ahead.
About the PSSA: Students at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ have the opportunity to be part of one of the fastest-growing and most competitive clubs on campus, the Professional Sales Student Association. The PSSA competes in sales competitions both regionally and around the country.
Along with competing at both the state and International DECA competitions, students involved in the PSSA compete in 91¶ÌÊÓƵ department competitions sponsored by England Logistics, also regional competitions and national competitions such as the National Collegiate Sales Challenge at Kennesaw State University and the National Sales Challenge hosted by William Patterson University in New Jersey.
The PSSA is an open organization, welcoming students from any major to join and participate for this upcoming semester. The 2020-2021 PSSA President is Saylem Phillips.
Inaugural 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Professional Sales High School Invitational Competition
Ogden, Utah – The Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence hosted the inaugural 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Professional Sales High School Invitational Competiton on December 6, 2019. High schools along the Wasatch Front were invited to participate and compete for the opportunity to win PS scholarships for the upcoming academic year.
Top: First-place winner, Stockton Hogan from Woods Cross High School

From the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Classroom to around the Globe and back to East Central Ogden: Stewarding Community Education - Sales and Customer Service Training
Ogden, Utah – An extension of years of collaboration and work, Prof. Tim Border brought his curated Sales curriculum from the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ classroom to Latin America and back to East Central Ogden. In partnership with the non-profit, Lifting Generations, Professor Tim Border collated content based on Fundamental Selling, Negotiations, and Customer Service and created a Sales Training course that has been used in countries across Latin America for the past three years. In an effort to uplift the communities in our own backyard, Professor Border teamed up with the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Community Education Center to create a 6-week Sales Training course for residents seeking to gain knowledge in sales curricula. The ultimate goal of this on-going programming is to help community members acquire sales-related jobs and to continue their education at Weber State. More to come on this community give-back programming!
Pro Sales Ambassadors - Day on the Hill
Salt Lake City, Utah – March 2020 the Professional Sales Ambassadors attended Weber State "Day-on-the-Hill" during the spring Utah State legislative session. They were able to meet 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Sales Alumni and many state officials as they promoted the Professional Sales degree pathway.
Every semester the Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence organizes the Sales Ambassador program as a way to connect more Pro Sales students together while promoting the program at statewide events. One of the most successful ways to connect with prospective students has been by visiting area high schools. The Sales Ambassadors are true leaders that have become amazing advocates for the Sales program and profession!

England Logistics' "Road to the National Collegiate Sales Competition"
Ogden, Utah - Every January, Sales Center Elite partner, England Logistics, hosts an all-ProSales Department competition to determine the travel teams for the National Collegiate Sales Competition (NCSC) at Kennesaw State University in Georgia and a Sales competition at Salisbury State University. Additionally, as one of our longest-standing industry partners, England Logistics has helped shape excellence in sales education by sponsoring a role-play room, supporting the Sales Speaker Series, hosting fall, and spring Senior Networking Dinners, and sponsoring the National Collegiate Sales Challenge at Collegiate DECA Nationals. The integration of corporate sponsorship at this level provides invaluable educational opportunities and life-skills that profoundly affect the advancement in preparing future sales leaders.
Additional 2019 Professional Sales Competitions
Top Right: PSSA at Utah State University Pinterest Competiton
Top Left: Jordan Tittensor 5th place Speed Selling, William Patterson University, New Jersey
Bottom Left: National Collegiate Sports Sales Competition, Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia
Bottom Right: Young Automotive Sales Competition

Sales Industry Partner Activations
One of the most successful programs that has been nurtured over the years has evolved into a systematic mentoring/recruiting approach with the Sales Center and Professional Sales Department is the executive support that comes from our Industry Partnerships. These corporate interactions engage invaluable networking, coaching and mentoring between our students and industry sales leaders. This strategy brings about a critical component of our mission which bridges applied sales leadership acumen with newly inspired roles and careers. We are grateful for the executive support that comes from the dedicated leadership found within our Industry Partnerships.
Goodbye Technical Education Building... Hello Noorda Engineering Building
Summer 2020 saw the end of an era with the demolition of the Technical Education Building, home of Professional Sales. The new and innovative Noorda Engineering Building will be constructed in the same location on 91¶ÌÊÓƵ's main campus and is scheduled to completed in less than 2-years. In the interim, the Professional Sales department is calling Stewart Stadium Sky Suites a temporary home during construction. We look forward to this new chapter in the Department of Professional Sales.

Going Virtual During COVID-19
March 2020 - On March 11th, 2020, the entire Professional Sales Department went 100% online in an effort to keep students and faculty safe during the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. The PS Department seamlessly was able to quickly adapt to this online learning environment since the curriculum has been delivered both in-person and within online formats. Many unique and creative digital learning platforms have been adopted and utilized during this time. Faculty spent the summer maneuvering through the process of updating content and pre-recording guest lectures.
My Professional Sales Success Story: Madsen Wessman
In January of 2016, I committed myself to pursue a Professional Sales Degree. The first class I enrolled in was “Intro To Sales” taught by Tim Border, or as I called it, my “Monday Motivation” class. This course sparked my love for the PS degree! So much so, that I was finding myself taking more PS classes then my generals. All the professors brought energy to the classes that were contagious and enhanced every student's experience.
Two years ago I was given the great opportunity to apply for internships within the department. Fortunately, I was able to get all three openings (Social Media Manager, Liaison Manager, and the Office Assistant) since there was a lot of synergy in the goals. From the very beginning, I found that my manager, (Mikelle Barberi-Weil Director of the Dept of PS’s) was the perfect person for me to work with. In two years we were able to accomplish a number of goals. We started by revamping our social media pages and creating a department page on LinkedIn. We then created a department podcast called “The Buck: A Sales Podcast”. We also introduced new recruiting events (Top Golf Tournament/recruiting event). Lastly, we initiated a new sales competition (England Logistics High School Sales Competition), the Ambassador Program, and many other systems and software that were incorporated into our department to increase productivity in outreach, communications, and data and information storage.
It has been my great pleasure to implement or assist in the implementation of these initiatives and programs. The one I take the greatest pride in is the PS Ambassador Program. This officially began in the spring of 2019.
The goals of this program were to:
- To increase high school outreach and recruitment
- Increase brand awareness
- Foster community involvement
To accomplish this, we hired sales students for these ambassador positions and gave them the charter of sales professional networking and high school student mentoring. They are required to present at least one high school event and man a table booth at various events. To assist them, they are given a list of local high school teachers to contact out to and set up their short presentations. We have been grateful to see the positive response of the various high school teachers in allowing us to take time in their class schedules for these presentations.
As we all know, due to the pandemic, these last few months have altered our plans and schedules very dramatically, as all high schools closed. Although it changed our direction, it by no means slowed us down. Since that time, we were able to adapt and our ambassadors started to reach out and interview PS alumni. This was a great opportunity for us and the department to start reconnecting with many of our alumni resources and find ways to use their talents and abilities for future mentor programs.
The Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence has afforded me more opportunities than I’ve ever could have imagined. All of this happened by mere passion and getting involved. It has helped me to better my communication and presentation skills in which I have applied to many extracurricular activities.
One such event, called “Outdoor Weber” took place in March of this year. In this competition, I was able to progress through three rounds and then ultimately take second place overall. My placement came with a financial reward which is helping fund my new venture.
I love this program and all the amazing opportunities it has granted me through the years. Although I will be sad to leave, I know that I will be very prepared for success in the future due to my relationships, excellent courses, and internship experiences!

"The Buck: A Podcast by professional Sales Students"
Enjoy the musings of Sales students, faculty and industry leaders as topics in all things related to sales is explored and discussed. A full year of episodes can be found on your favorite podcast media outlet.

Journal for Education and Business
16 April 2020
Sales education and philanthropy: U.S. Sales curriculum transcends boundaries and elevates employability and income levels in Latin America
Tim Border, Mikelle Barberi-Weil and Blake Nielson
2019-2020 PS Faculty Publications
International Journal of Business and Globalisation
Entrepreneurial Grit: A Reflective Review
by Dr. Alex Lawrence and Dr. Norris Krueger
Abstract: To the popular mind, for entrepreneurs, could there be a more relevant construct than grit? This much-ballyhooed personal characteristic of determined, intentional perseverance should be a potent predictor of entrepreneurial behavior and success (e.g., Conner 2013). Why is it then that we see such mixed results of the impact of grit on entrepreneurial phenomena? In this review, we explore various aspects of how the psychological variable grit is applied to our understanding of entrepreneurial thinking, behavior, and performance and closely related domains.
Keywords: Entrepreneur; Grit; Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Success.
Journal for Marketing Education
A Critical Review of the Literature for Sales Educators 2.0
Shannon Cummins, Blake Nielson, James W. Peltier,
and Dawn Deeter-Schmelz
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Professional Sales Marketing Campaign Billboards
196 years sales industry experience.
185 years of sales education.

Dr. Blake Nielson
Department Chair

Dr. Brock Adams
Assistant Professor

Tim Border
Associate Professor

Vel Casler
Associate Professor
Paige Young
Program Advisor and Instructor

Nicole A. Flink
Assistant Professor

JoEllen Jonsson
Associate Professor

Desiree Cooper-Larsen
Associate Professor

Dr. Alex Lawrence
Assistant Professor

Wendi Birch
Administrative Assistant

Mikelle Barberi Weil
Director, Sales Center

Dr. David Ferro
Dean, College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology
Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence Partnerships
One of the most successful programs that has been nurtured over the years and has evolved into a systematic mentoring/recruiting approach with the Sales enter and Professional Sales Department is the executive support that comes from our Industry Partnerships. These corporate interactions engage invaluable
networking, coaching, and mentoring between our students and industry leaders. This strategy brings about a critical component of our mission which bridges applied sales leadership acumen with newly inspired roles and careers. We are grateful for the executive support that comes from the dedicated leadership found within our Industry Partnerships.
Named top sales university
Full member accreditation with .