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Professional Sales - 2019 Annual Report



Advancing excellence in sales education where academia and industry converge:
Together, the Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence and the Professional Sales Department experienced purposeful growth in 2018-2019. 

Sales Industry
partnerships grew

Programming enabled an increase in role-play scenarios and attendance to more sales competitions nationwide

A greater focus on department-wide sales based research was cultivated 

Global impact of converging sales training curricula and need-based concentrations in Latin America

Important sales curriculum
updates were implemented 

99% of Professional Sales graduates accepted high caliber sales roles

Nine full time dedicated Professional Sales faculty

52 years of sales education. One of the first of its kind in the country. 


The Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence and the Professional Sales Department at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, combined with dynamic industry partnerships continue to advance the professional selling profession and accelerate momentum in sales leadership, which is far-reaching and can be found across the globe. 

Read on for more updates



weber states sales students at Peru

91¶ÌÊÓƵ Professional Sales Global Outreach – Trujillo, Peru

May 2019 – Professor Tim Border and PS student, Matt Everett traveled to Trujillo, Peru to visit the Lifting Generations learning center where 91¶ÌÊÓƵ sales training curriculum is being taught to local residents. During their visit, they were able to guest lecture, visit with course educators and current students, mentor learning center alumni and visit with local universities and government officials. The partnership with Lifting Generations has expanded to six centers throughout Latin America and we look forward to traveling with a larger group to Mexico in the summer of 2020.



Global Sales Science Institute – Panama City, Panama 

June 2019 – Dr. Blake Nielson, Professor Tim Border and Sales Center director, Mikelle Barberi-Weil presented at the Global Sales Science Institute conference held in Panama this past June. The research titled: Sales Education and Philanthropy: US Sales Curriculum Transcends Boundaries and Elevates Employability and Income Levels In Latin America, explores the partnership between a non-profit and a western university and how commingling resources can uplift underserved populations in Latin America. The data shows that sales curricula transference provides positive outcomes across diverse cultures. …More to come on this expanding program.

professional sales staff and faulty in panama

Dave Sparks from the Diesel Brothers

England Logistics Sales Speaker Series 

presented by the Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence

The Sales Speaker Series is an opportunity to listen to industry sales leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs as they detail their successes, failures, and lessons they've learned along the way. Many of the special guest lecturers are ProSales graduates and Sales Center Partners. Lectures are held in the Wildcat Theater in the Shepherd Union Building on 91¶ÌÊÓƵ's main campus 2x's during the fall and spring semesters. Admission is free to the public. 

Pictured: Dave Sparks from Discovery Channel’s Diesel Brothers –
January 2019

“The Buck” A Professional Sales Podcast

New for 2019 is a podcast produced by the Weber State Professional Sales department, featuring faculty, students, and alumni. Enjoy musings on sales research, sales in higher education and the fast-changing movement of next-gen sales. Coming soon to a podcast outlet near you! …launching fall semester 2019.

the buck logo

Professional Sales podcast in the studio

tim border

Presidential Teaching Excellence Award –
Professor Tim Border

This spring, Professor Tim Border was honored at a luncheon celebrating excellence in higher education and was presented with the Presidential Teaching Excellence Award by 91¶ÌÊÓƵ President, Brad Mortensen. Tim Border has taught in the Department of Professional Sales at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ since 1992. He currently teaches fundamental selling techniques, customer service, contract sales and negotiation, sales personalities and profiles and principle-centered selling. He has an MS degree in Oral Communication with an emphasis in Training and Development. Over the last 25 years, Tim has consulted for many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies throughout the world in the areas of sales, customer service and leadership. He has also owned several successful businesses and has extensive field experience in sales and negotiations.

Professional Sales Ambassadors

The Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence relies heavily on the support and energy from student Pro Sales leaders. This year marked the inaugural ambassador program and was deemed a success! 
Our ambassadors are student leaders who provide department information at events and conferences around the state and on campus. They are also tasked with developing relationships with prospective students by presenting at high schools along the Wasatch Front. Promoting Sales education and pathways into our program is just the beginning with the areas of focus for this up and coming group.  

professional sales ambassadors

professional sales social media

Professional Selling in Social Media

Student Interns keep the pulse of the program and Sales Center going by archiving newsworthy events and happenings while adding in sales tips and testimonials. Keep up with us!



Sales Center Partnerships – Senior Seminar Events

One of the most successful programs that has been nurtured over the years has evolved into a systematic mentoring/recruiting approach with the Sales Center and Professional Sales Department is the executive support that comes from our Industry Partnerships. These corporate interactions engage invaluable networking, coaching and mentoring between our students and industry sales leaders. This strategy brings about a critical component of our mission which bridges applied sales leadership acumen with newly inspired roles and careers. We are grateful for the executive support that comes from the dedicated leadership found within our Industry Partnerships.

Sales Competitions

In preparing our students for success in professional selling, a key component to learning is the invaluable opportunity to compete in role-plays at the competitive level. In addition to active participation in DECA, the Sales Club experienced positive outcomes throughout the year at home and across the nation.


Left: ATT B2B Sales Program National Sales Competition -
Dallas, Texas – October 2018

Top right: Pinterest Sales Competition at Utah State University –
Logan, Utah - October 2018

Bottom right: England Logistics Road to NCSC –
Ogden, Utah – February 2019

Graduates of Professional Sales

Culminating with our 51st year, commencement at Weber State in Professional Sales put forward over 170 BS and AAS students into the prolific professional selling workforce. Graduates are placed with top tier jobs at companies in diverse industries where the drive for success is a winning combination. 


Professional Sales graduates


england logistics dinner and competition

Elite Partner: England Logistics

As one of our longest-standing industry partners, England Logistics has helped shape excellence in sales education by sponsoring a role-play room, supporting the Sales Speaker Series, hosting Fall and Spring semester Senior Networking Dinners, sponsoring the “Road to NCSC” spring Sales Competition and sponsoring the National Sales Challenge at Collegiate DECA Nationals. Integration of corporate sponsorship at this level provides invaluable educational opportunities and life-skills that profoundly affect the advancement in preparing future sales leaders. THANK YOU England Logistics!


professional sales student association

Weber State Unveils Professional Sales Student Association (PSSA) for 2019-2020

Real-world experience and networking outside of the classroom.
Students at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ have the opportunity to be part of one of the fastest-growing and most competitive clubs on campus, the Professional Sales Student Association. Previously recognized as the DECA club, the PSSA will be competing in sales competitions both regionally and around the country. 

The aptly named Professional Sales Student Association will still maintain its connection with both the state of Utah DECA chapter, as well as its affiliation with DECA on a national level. However, they will expand their sights on additional competitions hosted by sales organizations across the country such as the University Sales Center Alliance, as well as the Sales Education Foundation.  

Along with competing at both the state and International DECA competitions this upcoming year, students involved in the PSSA will compete in regional competitions hosted by schools such as Utah State University, and national competitions such as the National Sales Challenge hosted by William Patterson University in New Jersey, as well as the AT&T National Sales Challenge in Dallas.

The PSSA is an open organization, welcoming students from any major to join and participate for this upcoming year. Interested students should contact Brock Adams, the organization’s advisor, for additional information about joining, and having the opportunity to broaden their sales experience outside of the classroom. 



The 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Professional Sales advantage:

196 years sales industry experience.  185 years of sales education.

blake nielson head shot
Dr. Blake Nielson

Department Chair

brock adams head shot
Dr. Brock Adams

Assistant Professor

tim border head shot
Tim Border

Associate Professor 

vel casler head shot
Vel Casler

Associate Professor

steven eichmeier head shot
Dr. Steven Eichmeier

Associate Professor 

nicole flink
Nicole A. Flink

Assistant Professor

JoEllen Johnson head shot
JoEllen Jonsson

Associate Professor

desiree cooper-larsen head shot
Desiree Cooper-Larsen

Associate Professor

alex lawrecence head shot
Dr. Alex Lawrence

Assistant Professor

wendi birch head shot
Wendi Birch

Administrative Assistant

mikelle barberi weil head shot
Mikelle Barberi Weil

Director, Sales Center 

david ferro head shot

Dr. David Ferro

Dean, College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology


alan e. hall

Alan E. Hall Center for Sales Excellence Partnerships

One of the most successful programs that has been nurtured over the years and has evolved into a systematic mentoring/recruiting approach with the Sales enter and Professional Sales Department is the executive support that comes from our Industry Partnerships. These corporate interactions engage invaluable
networking, coaching, and mentoring between our students and industry leaders. This strategy brings about a critical component of our mission which bridges applied sales leadership acumen with newly inspired roles and careers. We are grateful for the executive support that comes from the dedicated leadership found within our Industry Partnerships.



alan e. hall center for sales excellence


sales education foundation

Named top sales university


university sales center aliance

Full member accreditation with .