Energy & Climate

Instructions: To obtain your Energy & Climate badge, it is recommended that you complete the following by April 1, 2025.

  • Complete Prerequisite

  • Complete 2 Actions of your choosing

  • Submit Form

**Only submit the form once you have completed all of your actions. Remember, you only have to complete the prerequisite and 2 additional actions of your choosing. You do not have to complete all of the actions to earn your badge.   


Prerequisite Action: Learn More About Climate and Renewable Energy

Description: Explore the StoryMap created for the Sustainability Screenings with SPARC and watch 6 short videos. Although this particular StoryMap was created for last month's badge, it contains a lot of useful information and several informative videos relating to climate and energy.  After exploring the page, watch the 6 videos listed below about renewable energy and electric vehicles. 

  • Access the StoryMap .
  • Watch the following videos found within the StoryMap:
    • What Earth in 2050 could look like (located under "Why should we care?") 
    • Solar Energy: How do solar panels work? 
    • Wind Energy: How do wind turbines work? 
    • Geothermal Energy: Renewable Energy 101: How Does Geothermal Energy Work? 
    • Hydropower: Renewable Energy 101: How Does Hydroelectricty Work?
    • Electric Vehicles: Electric Cars & Global Warming Emissions

Time Commitment: 30 minutes

Required Documentation: Write 3-4 sentences about what you learned about the different types of energy and how they relate to climate.

Choose at Least Two of the Following Actions:

Action 1: Attend an Environmental Ambassadors Club Meeting (March 12th, 19th or 26th)

Description: Join the Environmental Ambassadors on Wednesdays from 3:00 - 4:00 pm to get involved, learn more about sustainability on campus, and make friends with like-minded individuals! 

*To learn more about the meetings and RSVP, visit .

Time Commitment: 1 hour

Required Documentation: Check in at the meeting and write 3-4 sentences about what you learned.


Action 2: Attend an Earth Science and Society Seminar (March 14th or 28th)

Description: Attend one Geoscience and Society Seminar during March. These seminars occur every Friday in Tracy Hall Room 211 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm and are open to students, faculty, and staff. February's theme is "Solutions & Mitigation". Learn more about the series and the schedule here.

Time Commitment: 1 hour

Required Documentation: Check in at the event and write 3-4 sentences about which seminar you attended and what you learned.


Action 3: Attend a Garden Club Meeting (March 14th or 28th)

Description: Join the garden club as we plan out projects, programs, and events for the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Community Garden this semester. Meetings will be held every other Friday from 1:00-2:00 pm in the library or the garden when things warm up outside.

*To learn more about the meetings and RSVP, visit .

Time Commitment: 1 hour

Required Documentation: Check in at the meeting and write 3-4 sentences about what you learned.


Action 4: Convert Light Bulbs in Your Home to LEDs (March 19th) 

Description: LED light bulbs are highly efficient, produce less heat, & generate more light at a lower cost. Students, Faculty, and Staff can get a FREE LED light bulb at the Ogden Campus in the Shepherd Union on March 19th from 10:30 - 11:30 am or purchase your own. Learn about lighting comparisons . 

Time Commitment: 10 minutes

Required Documentation: Submit a photo of your new LED light bulbs in your home.


Action 5: Attend an Intermountain Sustainability Summit (ISS) Session or Keynote (March 20th)

Description: The Intermountain Sustainability Summit is a place where sustainability professionals and emerging leaders from business, non-profit, government, and education sectors, come together to learn, share, network, build momentum, and work toward improving our communities, environment, and economy. 

Weber State students, faculty, and staff can attend the Intermountain Sustainability Summit's main day event (keynote and sessions) for FREE, with registration *(does not include lunch). 

  • Learn more and register for this event here and view the session schedule here.

Time Commitment: varies by event (~1 hour+)

Required Documentation: Write 3-4 sentences about what session(s) you attended and what you learned.


Action 6: Attend an Intermountain Sustainability Summit (ISS) Workshop (March 21st)

Description:  Summit-affiliated workshops are extended sessions for those seeking deeper exploration, connection, and collaboration with experts, colleagues, and peers. Click here to learn more about the 4 available workshops. Everyone must register and pay for the workshops, however, scholarship opportunities may be available for students .

Time Commitment: 4 hours

Required Documentation: Write 3-4 sentences about the workshop you attended and what you learned.


Action 7: Assess Your Carbon Footprint 

Description: Assess your Carbon Footprint using the . The calculator estimates your footprint in three areas: home energy, transportation, and waste. Everyone's carbon footprint is different depending on their location, habits, and personal choices.

Time Commitment: 30 minutes

Required Documentation: Write 3-4 sentences about your results and areas you can improve.


Action 8: Watch "A New Climate Vision"

Description: If you missed the February Sustainability Film Screening, watch it now! The impacts of climate change are growing, but so are the world's attempts to stop them. A New Climate Vision is a special TED documentary that examines the rapid technological revolution underway - and the real possibility of a better future for all.  

  • The link to "A New Climate Vision" can be found in the StoryMap or .

Time Commitment: 1 hour

Required Documentation: Write 3-4 sentences about what you learned and what gave you hope. *You can not count this as an action if you watched it for the previous Green Badge.


Action 9: Watch the "Climate & Energy" CrashCourse Series on YouTube

Description: In 12 episodes, this series covers the evidence and science behind our understanding of climate change. 

  • Access the series . *Each episode is roughly 14 minutes long

Time Commitment: ~2 1/2 hours 

Required Documentation: Write 3-4 sentences about what you learned and if anything surprised you. 


Action 10: Purchase Carbon Offsets

Description: To reduce your impact and help 91¶ÌÊÓƵ reach its goal of being carbon neutral by 2040, you can purchase Carbon Offsets. A Carbon Offset is an action or project (such as planting trees or carbon sequestration) that compensates for the emission of CO2 or other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Offsets are measured in tons of CO2 equivalent. The average 91¶ÌÊÓƵ parking pass holder emits over two tons of greenhouse gasses annually commuting to campus. Learn more about the carbon offset project and how to purchase them here

*Bonus: This will earn your Green Team points for participating!* If your parking pass is purchased on auto-renewal, or if you do not purchase a parking pass but would like to purchase carbon offsets, you can still contribute. Login to your account at using your Weber State credentials, and select "Add Carbon Offset".*

Time Commitment: 5 minutes 

Required Documentation: Upload a screenshot of your contribution.


Action 11: Wash Your Clothes and Hang Dry Them

Description: Wash your clothes on the "Cold" setting and leave your clothes out to hang dry. In American homes, dryers account for around 7–8% of residential electricity usage. When hang-drying one full-size load of laundry, you are saving 3 pounds of coal from being combusted into fuel which affects energy & climate. Hang drying can also save money, if you’re washing clothes at the North American average rate of 289 loads per year, you can save nearly $600 by line drying. Along with many other benefits that can be read in the article, .  

Time Commitment: 10 minutes

Required Documentation:  Upload a photo of your laundry hang drying (excluding unmentionables please).  


Action 12: Get Involved with a Local Organization Working on Climate-Related Issues

Description: Get involved with a local organization working on climate-related issues! Some great examples include , , , , , , , , and . **Note that some organizations require dues.  

Time Commitment: varies (30 minutes)

Required Documentation:  Write 3-4 sentences about the organization you joined and what you hope to gain. **can't be the same organization if you completed this action for the Social Sustainability Badge 


Innovation Action:

Description: Innovative actions are welcome, but please email for approval before submitting this as one of your actions. 

Time Commitment: varies

Required Documentation: varies




Additional Resources



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