Textbook Adoptions & Affordability

Everything Faculty Needs to Know About Course Materials

Students depend on 91¶ÌÊÓƵ and the Wildcat Store as their main source for course materials, supplies, and information about their classes. By working closely with faculty and designated department coordinators, the Wildcat Store strives to ensure all necessary course materials and supplies are ordered and in-stock before classes begin.

Textbook Affordability Initiatives 

The Wildcat Store is committed to finding the most affordable course materials by offering an array of options, including a price comparison tool for students, textbook rentals, digital, loose-leaf books, and a large supply of used textbooks. Our affordability initiatives include:

PRICE COMPARISON: We believe in making our course materials pricing as competitive and transparent as possible. We provide students a price comparison tool built into their book list which allows them to compare prices with other major retailers. Students can also see all of their purchasing and rental options for each material.

USED TEXTBOOKS: A popular way for students to save money on course materials is to purchase used textbooks. Our used books sell for at least 25% less than the price of new books.

DAY ONE ACCESS (Inclusive Access): Day One Access is a collaborative program for digital content adoption. It provides students digital access through Canvas on the first day of class to their e-Book and adaptive learning content. The savings can be upwards of 60% off the price of a new print textbook.

DIGITAL BOOKS & ADAPTIVE LEARNING ACCESS CODES & OER: As digital content becomes more widely adopted at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ and a more popular choice among our students, the Wildcat Store is prepared to assist faculty and students with a variety of digital options. From e-Books to adaptive learning content,we have it covered. Plus, digital options can cost up to 50% less than new print textbooks. We can help you provide OER content through our website to your students.

TEXTBOOK RENTAL: Whenever possible, we offer new and used books to be rented rather than purchased. Students typically can save up to 40% or more off the new book price by renting.

SALES TAX EXEMPT, PAYMENT PLANS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: Everyone saves 7.1% everyday with no sales tax for all course materials, supplies and technology required by professors. The Wildcat Store offers a payment plan for students to help with the cost of course materials.


Contact Us

We encourage faculty to continue to adopt quality course materials to support the curriculum while keeping the costs, affordability and accessibility options in mind as well. Wildcat Store staff is on hand to assist with your adoption and research of available options.