Creating Custom Email Forms
These are the steps to creating a simple form that will email its results to an email address that you specify.
You'll be using the "insert form element" button quite a bit. This is on the second row of icons, and is the second to last one. Save often.
- Click on the "form"
icon to add the form.
- Set the form's action property to ""
- Set the method to "post" and click OK.
- Add form elements (buttons, textfields, etc. be sure to include a 'submit' button)
- Name form elements, these are the names that will appear in the email.
- Add a "Hidden" form element
, name it "TO", set the value to the email address that will receive the form results
- Add a "Hidden" form element
, name it "SUBJECT", set the value to the desired subject line for your messages (e.g. "Registration Question")
- Add a "Hidden" form element
, name it "CONFIRMATION", set the value to the URL of the page that the user will see after submitting the form.
- Save or Update.
- The hidden fields are still there, you just have to go into the HTML mode to view them.
- Be sure to test your new form and verify that the results are arriving in your inbox.