Creating Custom Email Forms

These are the steps to creating a simple form that will email its results to an email address that you specify.

You'll be using the "insert form element" button quite a bit. This is on the second row of icons, and is the second to last one. Save often.

  1. Click on the "form"  icon to add the form.
  2. Set the form's action property to ""
  3. Set the method to "post" and click OK.
  4. Add form elements (buttons, textfields, etc. be sure to include a 'submit' button)
  5. Name form elements, these are the names that will appear in the email.
  6. Add a "Hidden" form element , name it "TO", set the value to the email address that will receive the form results
  7. Add a "Hidden" form element , name it "SUBJECT", set the value to the desired subject line for your messages (e.g. "Registration Question")
  8. Add a "Hidden" form element , name it "CONFIRMATION", set the value to the URL of the page that the user will see after submitting the form.
  9. Save or Update.
  10. The hidden fields are still there, you just have to go into the HTML mode to view them.
  11. Be sure to test your new form and verify that the results are arriving in your inbox.