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Apply for Funding

The Wildcat MicroFUND and the process to GetFUNDED is built to accommodate any aspiring entrepreneur, no matter their experience or background. We believe most of the value of the GetFUNDED process to be educational, with the awarded funds being an additional benefit.

The application process has been carefully designed to draw out knowledge from the applicant and inspire the applicant to carefully consider their customer validation, their value proposition, and what business milestones they hope to achieve with the GetFUNDED award.

GetFUNDED offered by the Wildcat MicroFUND is NOT a business plan competition. We are focused on execution, validating scalable and repeatable models, utilizing the best practices of the Lean Startup and Lean Canvas Framework, and providing funding on achievable milestones. A holistic approach is utilized when reviewing applications to determine if the applicant knows the following:

  1. What problem they’re solving or what opportunities have been identified in the marketplace
  2. Why they’re solving it
  3. Why their solution is the best one for the problem they’re solving
  4. What their next, most logical milestones entails
  5. Does their product or service have an opportunity to succeed in the marketplace

Applications are reviewed on a regular basis during the calendar year. Funding is limited and once application limits have been reached for the year the application portal will be turned off until the following calendar year.

Meet Other Entrepreneurs


If you want to see what other applications are working on and to get a better idea for the process, come to a Wildcat MicroFUND GetFunded pitch event for free food, to vote for your favorite pitches and an opportunity to network with other business professionals.

Visit the for specific dates and times for each event. Pitch events are held over Zoom and in person, across the state.