How Do I Declare a Minor?
- Fill out the Women & Gender Minor Declaration Form and submit the form to the Administrative Specialist at the Women & Gender Studies office in Lindquist Hall, Room 330 or by email: melinaalexander@weber.edu.
- Make sure you also declare a major.
- Set up a meeting with the Women & Gender Studies Director, Dr. Melina Alexander at .
How Do I Declare a BIS in Women & Gender Studies?
- Call 801-626-7713 to set up an appointment with the Director of the BIS Program. BIS Program is located in the Tracy Hall Science Building, Room 381X.
- You will need to decide on your 3 areas of emphasis, one of which is Women & Gender Studies.
- Meet with each department Chair to discuss which classes are required. To set up an appointment with the Women & Gender Studies Program Director, Dr. Melina Alexander email her at melinaalexander@weber.edu.
How Do I Enroll in Directed Readings in Women & Gender Studies?
- First, meet with the Women & Gender Studies Director to discuss the topic of interest.
- Together you can decide on the faculty most appropriate to work with you on the desired topic.
- This can happen in one of two ways:
- You may have your own idea for a reading topic which a faculty mentor is willing to sponsor.
- You may want to have a faculty mentor specify a reading topic for you.
- A faculty mentor will discuss with you the topics and issues which you want to explore, as well as the credit hours and the work expectation of the course.
- Upon agreement there will be a form to complete which will serve as a contract between you and the faculty member regarding the reading course.
- Complete the form with your faculty mentor, and then give it to the Administrative Specialist. She will give you instructions on registering for the course.
How Do I Enroll in Women & Gender Studies Internship?
- Check with the Women & Gender Studies Director, Melina Alexander, for possible Internship opportunities Fall and Spring semesters.
- Meet with the potential site supervisor to discuss the specific expectations about the internship.
- Meet with the Women & Gender Studies Director and site supervisor to complete a contract form.
How Do I Enroll in On-Campus Women & Gender Studies Courses?
- Log into the eWeber Portal.
- Click on the Student Services tab, then on Register for Classes (add/drop).
- Follow the registration instructions.
How Do I Enroll in Online Women & Gender Studies Courses?
- Log into the eWeber Portal.
- Click on the Student Services tab, then on Register for Classes (add/drop).
- Follow the registration instructions.
How Do I Prepare to Graduate?
- Check with Graduation for information about application fees and deadlines.
- You must be cleared as a Women & Gender Studies minor before you can graduate. The department recommends that you seek clearance once you have registered for classes for the semester you plan to apply for graduation. Contact the Women & Gender Studies Program Director, Dr. Melina Alexander at melinaalexander@weber.edu.