How to Submit a Petition
Petition Form and Other Required Materials
Students may file a petition with the Office of the Registrar by submitting all of the following required documents by email to academicpetitions@weber.edu. Submissions should be made using your Weber email, which is a verified account as required by federal privacy law to protect the confidentiality of your student records.
Petition Form
Please submit the completed and signed petition form with your personal information, petition request and reason, and relevant semester and course information.
Letter of Explanation
Please submit a typed letter of explanation (not an email) in Word or PDF format that clearly explains the non-academic circumstance that prevented you from canceling, withdrawing, or meeting other university requirements by the academic calendar deadline. Keep in mind that the burden of proof is your responsibility so please use this opportunity to explain to the committee what occurred during the semester in question.
Instructor Verification
Please submit an instructor verification for each course that you are petitioning. You can send the instructor verification form to each instructor and ask them to email the completed form directly to academicpetitions@weber.edu. Instructor verifications are required for petitions regarding the current semester. They are not required for petitions for prior semesters as instructors have already submitted your last date of attendance with final grades. Instructor verifications are also not required for one-time exceptions.
Third-Party Documentation
Please submit all relevant third-party documentation to demonstrate proof of qualifying circumstances.
Examples of Third-Party Documentation
Non-Academic Emergency:
- Death in the immediate family
- Death certificate (not obituary)
- Medical or Psychological
- Signed letter from medical provider on hospital or clinic letterhead that includes provider's contact information (Current students may use Ogden Clinic Student Healthcare Services free of charge)
- Signed letter from psychologist or counselor on hospital or clinic letterhead (Current students may use 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Counseling Center and Ogden Clinic Student Healthcare Services free of charge)
- *Note: All medical verification should be completed by the health care professional that provided your services. Dates of service and the nature of the qualifying circumstances should be included. Students may also provide medical information to Disability Services and request a verification letter from that office if they prefer to keep their medical documentation more private. We do not accept hospital discharge papers, diagnostic papers, or other documentation with detailed medical information due to privacy concerns. The committee’s goal is to determine how this medical condition prevented you from completing the class or withdrawing by the W deadline.
- Legal
- Court summons or subpoena
- Proof of court appearance, arrest, or incarceration
- Victim of Crime
- Police report
- *Note: Any claim that a student's account was hacked must be reported to the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Police Department and the incident report submitted with the academic petition. 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Police in conjunction with the Information Security Office will investigate the claim and provide their findings, which will also be included in the petition.
- Victim of Assault, Partner Violence, Stalking, or Harassment
- Police report
- Letter of support from Safe@Weber Office
- *Note: Students have the option to see the support of the Safe@Weber Office for help in filing petitions in these circumstances. The Safe@Weber Advocate will help you complete the petition form and paperwork, and their letter of support can be submitted in place of your letter of explanation. For assistance, please contact 801-626-6090 or safeatweber@weber.edu. Visit their website at www.weber.edu/SafeAtWeber for information and resources.
- Emergency
- Police report
- Fire report
- Military
- Official orders for deployment or temporary duty
- Personal/family issue
- Divorce decree
- Medical, psychological, legal, criminal, or emergency documentation for immediate family member
- Eviction notice
Academic Circumstances:
- Attendance at another institution
- Official enrollment verification from that institution (We do not accept screenshots.)
- Registration system error
*Note: System errors are extremely rare. The Banner registration system records all attempted registration changes (adding, withdrawing) even if those changes are unsuccessful due to registration restrictions or system errors. For petitions regarding such errors, the Registration Office will pull evidence of attempted registration changes from the Banner registration system. The following documentation may also be useful to submit:
- Screen captures of attempted registration (adding or dropping courses in the registration portal)
- Emailed registration request
- Misadvisement
- Letter of explanation from advisor or faculty
- Email communications with advisor or faculty
Need Additional Assistance?
For additional assistance, please contact our Petitions Student Advocates at 801-626-6061 or email us at academicpetitions@weber.edu.