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Student Rights in the Petition Process

Students have the right to due process for University decisions, including the right to file an appeal for administrative decisions regarding their academic record, as outlined on the University’s Student Petitions, Complaints, & Grievances website and in the Student Code, PPM 6-22-VIII.

Statute of Limitations

A one-year statute of limitations applies to qualifying circumstances. Students may not submit a petition for events that occurred during semesters older than one year unless they can provide evidence of extenuating circumstances that prevented them from filing their petition within one year, such as incarceration, military deployment, or extended hospitalization.

Level 2 Review

If your petition is denied, you have the right to request a review of this decision. To begin the review process, you must first complete the petition process and receive an official decision letter by mail. You may then initiate the review process by submitting the within twenty (20) working days of the date of the decision letter. Participating in the Level 2 Review process does not guarantee a favorable outcome.

For more information on Level 2 Review, please visit the University’s Administrative Petitions website.

Administrative Petitions Website