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We’re here to support you through every step of your degree program. Meet with your program’s advisor throughout your course of study to stay on track for graduation. Bring your W number to your appointment.

History Advising

Meet with our department advisor, Stephen Francis, throughout your course of study in order to:

  • Stay on track for graduation
  • Plan your class schedule
  • Declare your major or minor
  • Seek out career advice
  • Find graduate school information

Stephen Francis
History Department Advisor
Lindquist Hall 273 

Set your appointment via email, or visit during the hours posted on the office door.

General Education Advising

Contact one of our college advisors for advisement on general education requirements.

If you need history advising or to be cleared for graduation, contact Dr. Stephen Francis: sfrancis@weber.edu

If you need to declare a major or minor, contact Jenna Daniels: jennadaniels@weber.edu

For general advising, please make an appointment with one of the Social Science Advisors:  /SocialScience/advising.html