Special Lectures

Our fascinating historical lectures for majors and nonmajors go beyond the Weber Historical Society lecture series and annual Lampros Lecture.

"Black Women Political Leaders
of Seventeenth-Century Lima"


MARCH 13, 2025
7 P.M.

Lindquist Hall
Rm 101

Lima painting


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Marcella “Sally” Hayes is a historian of Latin America and early modern Iberia with an emphasis on the Andes. She holds a PhD from Harvard University and is currently Assistant Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Hayes studies how black people shaped early modern Iberian political life, using their ideas of community and methods of self-governance to rethink early modern concepts of belonging. In her research and teaching, she focuses on inclusion and exclusion, political claims-making, and the development of categories of identity. Hayes’s current book manuscript is tentatively titled The Black Spaniards: The Color of Political Authority in Seventeenth-Century Lima.

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