Branden Little
Department of History
Office: Lindquist Hall 257 [located northeast corner, 2nd floor]
Phone: 801-626-6706
Office Hours, Spring 2025 (drop-in)
Tuesdays: 12:00-2:00pm
Or: Email to make an appointment with suggested dates/times you are available
Research & Teaching Areas
- American Foreign Relations, 1890 to Present
- U.S. Navy and Marine Corps History, 1890-1945
- Postwar societies including the "Lost" Generation of the 1920s-30s
- International Humanitarianism and Humanitarian Interventions
- International Organizations
Degrees & Certifications
- Ph.D. in History, University of California, Berkeley (2009)
- M.A. in National Security Affairs, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (2002)
- Certificate, Phase 1, Intermediate Level Joint Professional Military Education, Department of Defense (2001)
- B.A. in International Relations and History, University of California, Davis (1998)
- HIST 1000 The Craft of History
- HIST 1700 American Civilization, 1492 to Present
- HIST 2700 History of the United States to 1877
- HIST 2710 History of the United States since 1877
- HIST 3230 American Foreign Relations, Colonial to Present
- HIST 3280 US Military History, 1500 to 1890
- HIST 3290 US Military History, 1890 to Present
- HIST 4710 America & the World, Colonial to Present [Varying Thematic Topics]
- HIST 4730 War in the Modern World, 1750 to Present
- HIST 4830 Directed Readings [Varying Topics]
- HIST 4920 Plains Indian Wars & Battle of Little Bighorn Workshop
- HIST 4985 Historical Research & Methods
- HIST 4990 Senior Seminar
- HIST 4730 / HNRS 4920 First World War
Branden Little is a professor of history at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ where he researches the international history of the United States, humanitarian relief, and expeditionary warfare. He specializes in the era of the First and Second World Wars. He earned a Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Berkeley (2009), an M.A. in national security affairs from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (2002), and his B.A. in international relations and history from the University of California, Davis (1998). He received prizes for his doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis.
Little has published extensively and has spoken at many scholarly conferences in the United States and overseas. He has contributed to numerous international projects associated with the centenary of the First World War. Engaged in teaching teachers and public audiences, Little served as the lead scholar for northern Utah's "World War I and America" series, sponsored by the Library of America, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission. He served in a similar capacity for the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and the National History Day Legacies of World War I programs. He was a member of Utah's World War I Centennial Commission. He has been featured on C-SPAN's American History TV and Lectures in History Series. He is currently completing a book manuscript titled Band of Crusaders: American Humanitarians and the Remaking of the World, 1914-1964, which examines American-led relief and reconstruction activities during two world wars and the early Cold War. He is at work on a second book manuscript on industrial mobilization in the Second World War focused on amphibious warfare in the Pacific theater.
He is a multiple award-winning author and teacher. In 2014, he received the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Army ROTC Faculty Mentor Award, and in 2022, he received his college's Gene Sessions Excellence in Teaching Award.
Books (in Progress)
- Band of Crusaders: Herbert Hoover, American Humanitarians, and the Remaking of the World, 1914-1964.
- A Means to an End: the U.S. Marine Corps, the Amphibian Tractor, and the Defeat of Japan in World War II.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (in Progress and Forthcoming)
- An article on The Rockefeller Foundation’s humanitarian relief activities in the First World War.
Edited Projects
- Guest editor of First World War Studies journal special issue on "Humanitarianism in the Era of the First World War" (March 2014).
Journal Articles, Book Chapters & Essays
- "Anticipating Dunkirk: The Humanitarian Rescue of Americans in Europe, 1914-17," in New Interpretations of Naval History: Selected Papers from the Twentieth McMullen Naval History Symposium, 2017. Brian VanDeMark, ed. (Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ), 43-58.
- Afterword, Humanitarianism and the Greater War. Elisabeth Piller and Neville Wylie, eds. (Manchester University Press, 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ), 273-84.
- "Tarnishing Victory? Contested Histories and Civil-Military Discord in the U.S. Navy, 1919-24," in The U.S. Navy: Case Studies in its Past, Present, and Future, Thomas-Durell Young, ed. (London: Routledge, July 2021), 1-29.
- "Useful Allies: Theodore Roosevelt’s Secretaries of the Navy and America’s Naval Ascendancy," in Forging the Trident: Theodore Roosevelt and the United States Navy. John Hattendorf and William P. Leeman, eds. (Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2020), 177-207.
- "Failure to Launch: The American Red Cross in an Era of Contested Neutrality, 1914-1917," in The Red Cross Movement: Reevaluating and Reimagining the History of Humanitarianism. Neville Wylie, Melanie Oppenheimer, and James Crossland, eds. (Manchester University Press, 2020), 97-112.
- "Tarnishing Victory? Contested Histories and Civil-Military Discord in the U.S. Navy, 1919-24," Defense & Security Analysis, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Jan. 2020): 1-29.
- "Aloof and Independent: American Red Cross Policy toward Prisoners of War, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and its International Prisoners of War Agency, 1914-18," in Action humanitaire et quête de la paix: Le prix Nobel de la paix décerné au CICR pendant la Grande Guerre (Humanitarianism and Peace: Reflections on the Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to the International Committee of the Red Cross). Valérie Lathion, Roger Durand, François Bugnion, Françoise Dubosson, Irène Herrmann, and Daniel Palmieri, eds. (Genève: Fondation Gustave Ador, Georg Editeur, November 2019), 316-35.
- “A Child’s Army of Millions: the American Junior Red Cross,” in Children's Literature and Culture of the First World War. Lissa Paul, Rosemary Ross Johnson, Emma Short, eds. (New York and London: Routledge, 2016), 283-300.
- “Evacuating Europe: U.S. Policy, Strategy, and Relief Operations for Overseas American Travelers, 1914-1915,” Journal of Military History, Vol. 79, No. 4 (Oct. 2015) (a special issue on the First World War): 929-58.
- (a special issue on “Cities at War, 1914-1918 / 14-18 villes en guerre”): 121-38.
- “An Explosion of New Endeavors: Global Humanitarian Responses to Industrialized Warfare in the First World War Era,” First World War Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1 (March 2014): 1-16. (Served as guest editor of this special issue on “Humanitarianism in the Era of the First World War”).
- “Humanitarian Relief in Europe and the Analogue of War, 1914-1918,” in Finding Common Ground: New Directions in First World War Studies. Jennifer Keene and Michael Neiberg, eds. (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010), 139-58.
- “Radical, But Right: William Sowden Sims (1858-1936)” (senior co-author with Kenneth J. Hagan) in Nineteen Gun Salute: Case Studies of Operational, Strategic, and Diplomatic Naval Leadership during the 20th and early 21st Centuries. John B. Hattendorf and Bruce Elleman, eds. (Newport, RI and Washington, D.C.: Naval War College Press and GPO, 2010), 1-10.
- “An Evolving Navy of Great Complexity, 1919-1941,” in In Peace and War: Interpretations of American Naval History, 30th Anniversary ed. Kenneth J. Hagan, ed. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2008), 182-202. Cloth and paperback. Foreword by Paul M. Kennedy.
- “Band of Crusaders, American Humanitarians, the Great War, and the Remaking of the World,” Research Reports from the Rockefeller Archive Center, 2007 (Sleepy Hollow, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 2008).
- “The Liberation of the Gilberts: Operation Galvanic, November 1943,” in Amphibious Assault: Manoeuvre from the Sea. Significant Amphibious Operations from the Last Century. A Series of Essays for the Royal Marines. Tristan Lovering, ed. (London: Royal Navy, 2005), 245-58; revised edition, Amphibious Assault: Manoeuvre from the Sea. From Gallipoli to the Gulf—a Definitive Analysis (Suffolk: Seafarer Books, 2007), 245-58.
- “The Conquest of the Marshalls: Operation Flintlock, January-February 1944,” in Amphibious Assault: Manoeuvre from the Sea. Significant Amphibious Operations from the Last Century. A Series of Essays for the Royal Marines. Tristan Lovering, ed. (London: Royal Navy, 2005), 273-84; revised edition, Amphibious Assault: Manoeuvre from the Sea. From Gallipoli to the Gulf—a Definitive Analysis (Suffolk: Seafarer Books, 2007), 273-84.
- “Developing U.S. Civilian Defense Expertise,” in Mongolian-U.S. Civil-Military Relations, 2002 (Ulaanbaatar: Institute for Defense Studies, 2002), 94-104. Two editions.
- “Engaging U.S. Civil Society and Defense,” in Mongolian-U.S. Civil-Military Relations, 2002 (Ulaanbaatar: Institute for Defense Studies, 2002), 154-60. Two editions.
Encyclopedia Articles & Entries (peer-reviewed)
- "Discussion: Humanitarianism," co-authors Rebecca Gill, Branden Little, and Elisabeth Piller, in 1914-1918-Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War (Nov. 2017). Accessible online:
- "Making Sense of the War (USA)," 1914-1918-Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War (May 2017). Accessible online:
- “State, Civil Society, and Relief Organizations for War,” 1914-1918-Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War (Oct. 2014) (13,000-word article). Accessible online:
- “The Commission for Relief in Belgium,” 1914-1918-Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War (Oct. 2014). Accessible online:
- “Brand Whitlock,” 1914-1918-Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War (Oct. 2014). Accessible online:
Book Reviews & Other Publications
- Review of Agnieszka Sobocinska, Saving the World? Western Volunteers and the Rise of the Humanitarian-Development Complex (Cambridge University Press, 2021); in Journal of World History, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Sept. 2022): 537-40.
- "Belgium 1914 and Ukraine 2022 Look Eerily Alike," Ogden Standard-Examiner, Mar. 23, 2022.
- "A Tale of Two Invasions, Belgium in 1914 and Ukraine in 2022," Salt Lake Tribune, Mar. 16, 2022.
- Review of Scott Mobley, Progressives in Navy Blue: Maritime Strategy, American Empire, and the Transformation of U.S. Naval Identity, 1873-1898 (Naval Institute Press, 2018); in Defense & Security Analysis, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Jan. 2020): 125-25.
- "Armistice, 1918: An Improbable Peace," Utah Historical Quarterly, Vol. 87, No. 4 (Fall 2019): 334-37.
- Review of Glenn Jeansonne, Herbert Hoover: A Life (Penguin, 2016); in The Historian, Vol. 80, No. 2 (Summer 2018): 398-99.
- "Wilsonianism: Warts and All," Review of Lloyd Ambrosius, Woodrow Wilson and American Internationalism (Cambridge University Press, 2017); in H-FEDHIST), H-NET Reviews (Dec. 2017) [].
- "There's No Place Like Home: Refugees and Their Discontents," Review of Stephen R. Porter, Benevolent Empire: U.S. Power, Humanitarianism, and the World’s Dispossessed (University of Pennsylvania, 2016); in H-DIPLO Listserv, H-NET Reviews (Oct. 2017) [].
- Review of Allan Kent Powell, Utah and the Great War: The Beehive State and the World War I Experience (Utah State Historical Society and University of Utah Press, 2016); in Utah Historical Quarterly, 85.3 (Summer 2017): 280-81.
- Essay titled "The World at War: On the Front Lines," Valor: A Salute to Utah's Veterans and Military (Feb. 2017): 14.
- Background essay titled "Humanitarian International Relief: A Legacy of Great War Volunteerism," in American Field Service Intercultural Programs, The Volunteers: Americans Join World War I, 1914-1919 Curriculum (New York: AFS, 2016), 107-08.
- Foreword to Jeffrey B. Miller, Behind the Lines: World War I’s little-known story of German occupation, Belgian resistance, and the band of Yanks who saved millions from starvation (Milbrown Press, Sept. 2014), xiii-xx.
- Review of Timothy S. Wolters, Information at Sea: Shipboard Command and Control in the U.S. Navy, from Mobile Bay to Okinawa (Johns Hopkins, 2013); in Michigan War Studies Review (Summer 2014).
- Review of Daniel Gorman, The Emergence of International Society in the 1920s (Cambridge, 2012); in History: Reviews of New Books, Vol. 42, No. 2 (April 2014): 68-69.
- "Continuity and Change: The Transforming American Red Cross and the Dynamics of Humanitarianism," Review of Marian Moser Jones, The American Red Cross from Clara Barton to the New Deal (Johns Hopkins, 2013); in Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Listserv (H-SHGAPE), H-NET Reviews (Aug. 2013).
- Review of Brendan Simms and D.J.B. Trim, eds. Humanitarian Intervention: A History (Cambridge, 2011); in Journal of World History, Vol. 24, No. 2 (June 2013): 443-47.
- Review of Katherine Storr, Excluded from the Record: Women, Refugees, and Relief, 1914-1929 (2010); in First World War Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (March 2011): 131-32.
- Review of Thomas C. Hone and Trent Hone, Battle Line: The United States Navy, 1919-1939 (2006); in Journal of Military History, Vol. 71, No. 1 (January 2007): 250-51.
- Review of Edward Marolda and Robert Schneller, Shield and Sword: The United States Navy and the Persian Gulf War (2001); in Journal of Military History, Vol. 65, No. 4 (October 2001): 1170-1171.
- Letter for comment and discussion on Arthur Cebrowski’s and John Garstka’s “Network-Centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future” article; in U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Vol. 124, No. 6 (June 1998): 24-25.
Scholarly Presentations & Lectures
- North American Chapter on the History of the Emotions Conference. "Meaninglessness and Alienation: Emotional Odysseys of American Ambulance Drivers in the First World War." Paper. (Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2024).
- John Dos Passos Society Conference. "A Veiled Ambition: John R. Dos Passos's Unrealized Humanitarian Vision." Paper. (Bassano Del Grappa, Italy, 2024).
- Society for Military History (SMH) Conference: "Twentieth Century Naval Leadership and Society" Panel. Commentator (Arlington, VA, 2024).
- Naval War College Hattendorf Center for Maritime Historical Research Conference on "The League of Peace and a Free Sea. Future History and Naval Strategy into the 21st Century and Beyond. The Corbett 100 Maritime History Series." Paper: "'The Unvarnished Truth': William S. Sims, Tracy B. Kittredge, and Naval History in Two World Wars," (Newport, RI, 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ).
- Society for Military (SMH) History Conference: "When Does the First World War Really End?" Roundtable. Moderator/Chair (San Diego, CA, 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ).
- Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Hoover Presidential Foundation: "Hoover: A Fifty-Year Humanitarian Odyssey" (Zoom, 2022). Invited talk.
- National Museum of the Pacific War Annual Symposium: "Victory in the Pacific: the Impact of Command and Control," (San Antonio, TX, 2019). Invited keynote address.
- U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) McMullen Naval History Symposium: "Efforts to Learn from the Great War" Panel. Commentator (Annapolis, MD, 2019).
- UCD Centre for War Studies Conference on Humanitarianism and the Greater War, 1912-1923: "Humanitarianism Legacies and Limits" Panel. Commentator (Dublin, Ireland, 2019).
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Conference (SHAFR): "Making Modern Humanitarians: U.S. Aid to Europe in the Era of the Two World Wars" Panel. Commentator (in absentia) (Arlington, VA, 2019).
- C-SPAN Lectures in History / American History TV Series, "From the Factory to the Frontlines: The Amphibian Tractor and Victory in the Pacific," (2019).
- Naval War College Hattendorf Center for Maritime Historical Research Conference on "The Victory at Sea: Naval Lessons of the Great War and the U.S. Navy of the Twenty-First Century." "Tracy B. Kittredge's Naval Lessons: Contested Histories and Civil-Military Discord." Paper. (Newport, RI, 2019).
- Naval War College & Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy Conference on "Forging the Trident: Theodore Roosevelt and the United States Navy." Paper: "The Infrastructure of Empire: Theodore Roosevelt's Secretaries of the Navy and America's Naval Ascendancy," (Newport, RI, 2019).
- Utah World War I Commission Presentation: Utah State Capitol Veterans Day Ceremony & 100th Anniversary of World War I Armistice Commemoration: "Armistice, 1918: An Improbable Peace," (Salt Lake City, UT, 2018).
- Utah World War I Commission Presentation: "The Armistice and Weber County, Utah in World War I," (Ogden, UT, 2018).
- U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) McMullen Naval History Symposium: "Anticipating Dunkirk: The Humanitarian Rescue of Americans in Europe, 1914-17." Paper. (Annapolis, MD, 2017).
- U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) McMullen Naval History Symposium: "Elements of the Great War" Panel. Commentator (Annapolis, MD, 2017).
- Humanitarian Action & the Pursuit of Peace: Reflections on the Award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the International Committee of the Red Cross 100 Years Ago: "Prisoners of War, the American Red Cross, and the International Committee of the Red Cross / International Prisoners of War Agency, 1914-1918." Paper. (Geneva, Switzerland, 2017).
- Utah World War I Commission Lecture: "America in World War I: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the War," (Ogden, UT 2017).
- "Utah and World War I" Public Lecture Series (funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities [NEH], (Brigham City, UT, 2016-17).
- Fort Douglas Military History Symposium on Treatment of Enemy Aliens, Conscientious Objectors, and Civilian Populations During World War I: "Allied and American Responses to Germany's Forced Labor 'Deportations' Program in Occupied Belgium," (Salt Lake City, UT, 2016).
- Histories of the Red Cross Movement: Continuity and Change: "Failure to Launch: The American Red Cross in an Era of Contested Neutrality, 1914-1917," (Adelaide, Australia, 2016).
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Conference (SHAFR): "The Politics of the 'Sacred': American Foreign Relations and Faith-Based Foreign Aid in Interwar Europe, 1918-1939" Panel. Commentator, (San Diego, CA, 2016).
- Organization of American Historians (OAH) Annual Meeting: "Orchestrating Relief: United States Food Aid to Postwar Nations, 1919-1924," (Providence, RI, 2016).
- Fort Douglas Military History Symposium on "1945, Beginning of a New World": “‘We Will Have to Feed the World Again’: The foundations & implementation of an American global famine relief campaign during and after the Second World War,” (Salt Lake City, UT, 2015).
- Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Conference on World War I and the Humanitarian Awakening: "The First World War and the Ongoing Revolution in Humanitarian Affairs," (West Branch, IA, 2015).
- Beyond the Western Front Conference / Centre for Military History and Strategic Studies, National University Ireland, Maynooth, “The American Relief Administration in Europe, Soviet Russia, and the Near East, 1919-1924,” (Maynooth, Ireland, 2014).
- Pierre du Bois Foundation / Graduate Institute of Geneva Conference on International Organizations and the Politics of Development: Historical Perspectives, 1910s-1970s: “The First World War and its Aftermath: The American Experience,” (Geneva, Switzerland, 2013).
- U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) McMullen Naval History Symposium: “Foodways and Medicine in the Age of Sail and Early Steam Anglo-American Navies” Panel. Commentator (in absentia), (Annapolis, MD, 2013).
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Conference (SHAFR): “Unraveling American Neutrality: American Humanitarians and the Crusade to Save Belgium, 1914-1917,” (Arlington, VA, 2013).
- Utah Valley University Turning Points in History Lecture Series: “Saving Lives and Rebuilding Societies: World War I and the Humanitarian Transformation of American Foreign Relations,” (Orem, UT, 2012) (Invited Lecture).
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Conference (SHAFR): “Revolutions in Relief: American-led Humanitarianism in the Great War Era” Panel. Commentator (in absentia), (Hartford, CT, 2012).
- "Making Sense of the American Civil War" Public Lecture / Reading Series (funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities [NEH] and the American Library Association [ALA]), (Ogden, UT, 2012).
- Approaching War: Children’s Culture and War, 1880-1919 Conference / University of Technology, Sydney: “A Children’s Army of 12 Million: the Junior Red Cross in World War I,” (Sydney, Australia, 2011).
- Fort Douglas Military History Symposium on A New Century, A New World, 1898-1920: “World War I: The War on Starvation and Disease,” (Salt Lake City, UT, 2009).
- Mershon Center Military History Symposium / Ohio State University. One of six outstanding ABD students nationwide invited and funded to present dissertation findings, (Columbus, OH, 2009).
- American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting: “Mobilizing the American Homefront: Humanitarians and the War Against European Hunger, 1914-1919,” (New York City, NY, 2009).
- American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting: “American Humanitarians and the Management of Relief in Occupied Belgium and Northern France, 1914-1919,” (Washington, D.C., 2008).
- International Society for First World War Studies Conference: “Humanitarian Relief in Europe and the Analogue of War, 1914-1919,” (Washington, D.C., 2007).
- U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) McMullen Naval History Symposium: “Admiral Sims and the Officers of the London Flagship: Architects of Victory in Two World Wars,” (Annapolis, MD, 2007).
- Society for Military History (SMH) Conference: “Band of Crusaders: American Humanitarians and the Relief of Belgium, 1914-1919,” (Frederick, MD, 2007).
- U.C. Berkeley Breslauer Graduate Student Symposium: “American Humanitarians and the Management of European Relief in the First World War,” (Berkeley, CA, 2007).
- U.S.-Belgium Conference and Historical Exhibit: “Remembering Herbert Hoover and the Commission for Relief in Belgium.” Rapporteur and advisor (Brussels and Louvain, Belgium, 2006).
- CSBS Professional Development Grant, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ (2024)
- Gene Sessions Excellence in Teaching Award, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ (2022)
- Naval Order of the United States Award for "exemplary scholarship" (2017)
- Gustav Ador Foundation Travel Grant (2017)
- Army ROTC Faculty Mentor Award, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ (2014)
- Pierre du Bois Foundation Travel Grant (2013)
- Hemingway Vitality Grant, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ (2011)
- Leverhulme Trust Bursary (2011)
- Herbert C. Hoover Presidential Library Association Travel Grant (2011)
- American Historical Association Beveridge Grant (2011)
- Research, Scholarship, & Professional Growth Grants, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ (2009 & 2010)
- James Kettner Dissertation Prize, U.C. Berkeley (2009)
- Dissertation Year Fellowship, U.C. Berkeley (2008 – 2009)
- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, U.C. Berkeley (2007 – 2008)
- Dean’s Normative Time Fellowships, U.C. Berkeley (2006 & 2007)
- John J. McMullen Seapower Grant (2007)
- Herbert C. Hoover Presidential Library Association Travel Grant (2007)
- Robert R. McCormick Foundation Scholar (2007)
- Rockefeller Archive Center Travel Grant (2007)
- Graduate Division Summer Grant, U.C. Berkeley (2007)
- General George C. Marshall-Baruch Fellowship (2007)
- Heller Grant-in-Aid, U.C. Berkeley (2006)
- Eugene Irving McCormac Graduate Scholarship, U.C. Berkeley (2006)
- J. A. Kittredge Educational Grant (2004)
- U.S. Naval Institute Award for M.A. Thesis (2002)
- Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Scholarly Advisory Board
- Fort Douglas Military Museum Association Board Member
- Historians of International Organizations Network (HION)
- International Society for First World War Studies (ISFWWS)
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
- Society for Military History (SMH)
- Marine Corps Heritage Foundation (MCHF)
- U.S. Naval Institute Life Member (USNI)
- Phi Kappa Phi honor society (PKP)
Journal and Press Referee
- International History Review
- English Historical Review
- Contemporary European History
- First World War Studies
- Small Wars & Insurgencies
- War in History
- Diplomatic History
- Michigan Historical Review
- The Historical Journal
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine
- Food, Culture, & Society
- Journal of the Gilded Age & Progressive Era
- Lexington Press
- Bloomsbury Press
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Columbia University Press
- Cambridge University Press
Student Advisees
Enrolled in Graduate Programs in History or Allied Fields
- Stanford University
- Harvard University
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- William & Mary University
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Haifa
- University of Kent
- Texas A&M
- University of Chicago
- University of Southern California
- University of San Diego
- University of Utah (x3)
- Utah State University (x3)
- University of Nevada, Reno
- University of Florida
- Florida State University
- 91¶ÌÊÓƵ
- Dallas Theological University
Enrolled in Programs in Law, Public Administration or Medicine
- University of Utah
- University of Idaho
- University of Washington
- Whittier College
- Northwestern University
- University of California, Davis
- California Western School of Law
- Indiana University
- Jefferson Medical College
- California Western School of Law
- University of Florida