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Students can enroll in the Departmental pathway of the Honors Program. This option is available to students majoring in areas with designated Departmental Honors contracts. Every department has different requirements and its own individual advisor.

Advisors in the Honors Program should refer to the guidelines below to manage student honors contracts. All contracts are managed within the Honors Advisor portal.

To onboard advisors or edit advisors, update the template requirements for your department, or for other questions, contact eddiehill@weber.edu or honors@weber.edu.



Honors Contract Deadlines

Student contracts must be completed by March 12 for students graduating in Spring 2025. The commencement program print schedule dictates the deadline, so even though some requirements may not be met by this deadline, please submit your student’s contract as long as they are on track to finish the requirements.


Enrolling a Student

Go to the "Applications" page and use one of three methods: 

  • If a student has applied themselves, enroll or decline their application form the pending applications list.
  • Instantly enroll a student by selecting "Add New Contract"
  • Manually add a student and select "Add New Application"

Accepting a Contract

Students are unable to view their contracts in the Honors Student Portal until their contracts have been “accepted” by the advisor.

When you look at your list of contracts in the Honors Advisor Portal, do you see some contracts
that have a “status” of “Not Accepted (Active)?” If so, please use this training to fix those contracts.

Editing Individual Contracts

If necessary, requirements for individual students can be edited. 

  • Go to "Contracts"
  • Find the student and click on their name.
  • On the "Requirements List," click the requirement you want to change.
  • Edit the text or requirement.
  • Click the X to close the requirement and ensure it saves.

The student will be emailed the changes and the requirement will be locked pending the student's approval.

Completing a Contract

Be sure to complete student contracts by the deadline above during the semester the student is graduating to ensure they receive their Honors distinction, certificate, and regalia.

  • Visit the Honors Advisor portal in the eWeber portal.
  • On the "Contracts" page, select the individual student contract.
  • Select the "Completed" button.