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The Honors Program is co-hosting an annual symposium to showcase and celebrate student projects from across campus.
Students from every discipline can share presentations, creative works, performances, and posters.


March 25, 2024 | Submissions due. Fill out application below.
Week of March 25, 2024 | Notifications of acceptance.
April 5, 2024 | Deadline to submit slideshow presentations to honors@weber.edu
April 16, 2024 | Day of symposium!

Presentation Options

Creative Presentation

You will have 12 minutes to share your work (poetry, art, theater, etc.), followed by three minutes of Q&A (for a total of 15 minutes). You will be grouped with other thematically tied presentations, also lasting 12 minutes.


This block allows for the class project to use the entire 75-minute block (including Q&A). This might be a panel discussion or other presentations* where the majority of the class chooses to present.


This block is a traditional [digital] presentation* where one shares an introduction, literature, methods, and results. Each student will present for 12 minutes, followed by three minutes of Q&A.


Posters will be displayed in the Student Union ballrooms throughout the day. Students need not be present the entire day.

*Digital Presentation Template

To make things easier, we've created a template which you can access below. Students are welcome to customize and personalize their slideshows.
Make sure to click on "File" then "Make a Copy" to begin working on your own slideshow. If you choose not to use our template, please still use Google Slides.


Interested in presenting?

Fill out the application below.

For questions, concerns, or more information, email Dr. Eddie Hill at eddiehill@weber.edu.
Visit the full Research & Engagement symposium website here.