Audit Registration

The basic objective of taking a class as audit is to allow students the opportunity to attend a class without earning either a grade or credit for the class without affecting their GPA. The following rules apply:

  • Students registering to audit will pay tuition and fees per the current tuition and fee schedule.
  • Students in regulated programs, i.e, Financial Aid and Athletics, are subject to the respective program guidelines for audit registration.
  • Some courses may not be open to audit students because of classroom space limitations.  Students must receive instructor permission to audit a class.
  • Choice of audit registration should be made at the beginning of the term, but a student may change classes to audit status until the audit deadline.  This date can be found in the University's .
  • Students auditing classes are expected to attend on a regular basis.  Students may officially withdraw from the audited class according to the deadline.  Audit students failing to attend class may be issued a "W" grade at the discretion of the instructor.


How to Declare an Audit

STEP 1   Fill out the Audit Form

STEP 2   Save form as a PDF

STEP 3   Retrieve the Instructors Signature 

STEP 4  Submit form from your Weber email to the by the Audit deadline.


Send an email from your Weber email account to the instructor's Weber email account by the Audit deadline providing the following information:

  • Name

  • W#

  • Course & CRN

  • Request to change course to an Audit

  • Include Instructions to forward Audit request to with their consent by the Audit deadline.