Course Delivery Options
Here are examples of Weber State's different course delivery options.
Face to Face (FTF)
All instruction is in person in a classroom and/or lab. Students are expected to attend in person at the times listed in the class schedule. Instruction occurring in digitally enhanced classrooms/labs may be streamed live and/or made available as a recording at the discretion of the faculty member and/or upon request of a student. Assignments and homework may be required in the campus approved learning management system.
Online (ONL)
All instruction is asynchronous online. Asynchronous means instruction is not delivered at set meeting times/days. Work must be completed in the campus approved learning management system by assigned deadlines. Distance students may register for these classes.
Course #: HLTH 4150
Title: Needs Assessment & Planning Health Promotion Programs
CRN: 22897 or 22899
Instructor: Linnette Wong
Description: Conducting needs assessment and planning health promotion programs in a community, occupational, school or clinical setting.
Hybrid (HYB)
Instruction can be a combination of:
1) Face to Face (synchronous in a classroom);
2) Virtual via a video conferencing tool like Zoom (synchronous virtually); or
3) Online via the campus approved learning management system and other technology (asynchronous), as indicated in the course schedule.
Synchronous means students will meet at set times/days to receive instruction. Asynchronous means instruction and assignments will also be delivered via the campus approved learning management system or other technology not tied to set meeting times/days.
Course #: FYE 1105
Title: Foundations of College Success
Multiple Instructors
Description: This course assists incoming students in making a successful transition to college. Topics include the purpose of higher education, goal setting, time management, study and test taking skills, critical thinking, stress management, academic advisement, career and major exploration, using campus resources, and understanding student responsibilities.
Course #: MET 3500
Title: Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation
CRN: 20361
Instructor: Randy Hurd
Description: Principles of temperature, pressure, strain, flow, force, and vibration measurements. Techniques of computerized data acquisition and reduction. Students will learn how to specify instrumentation systems, take data and interpret the results. Lecture plus laboratory work in selected topics.
Course #: GEO 2050
Title: Earth Materials
CRN: 22136
Instructor: Dave Matty
Description: An introduction to the origin, classification, and identification of minerals and rocks including topics related to crystallography, mineral chemistry, petrology, and the importance of mineral and rock resources to our society. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Course #: POLS 1010
Title: Introduction to Political Science
CRN: 21062
Instructor: Janicke Stramer-Smith
Description: The purpose of this course is to define the discipline of political science. By discipline we mean the way in which political science has developed over the past 150 years. We will assess the basic sub-disciplines of political science: American, Comparative, International Relations, Political Theory, Public Administration and Public Law. Screen reader support enabled.
Course #: GEO 4060
Title: Geoscience Field Methods
CRN: 22175
Instructor: Liz Balgord
Description: A capstone course in the collection and analysis of field data for various Geoscience applications. Topics include introductory surveying, geologic mapping of bedrock and surficial deposits, measuring stratigraphic sections, GPS surveying, groundwater monitoring, and analysis of geologic hazards. Results are presented in maps, computer graphics, written reports, and oral presentations. Two hours of lecture and six hours of lab/field work per week.
Title: Dance Studio Classes
Instructor: Erik Stern
Virtual (VTL)
All instruction is in synchronous virtual format using a campus approved web-conferencing tool such as Zoom. Synchronous means students will meet at set times/days to receive instruction via web-conferencing. Assignments and homework may be required via the campus approved learning management system, email, or other technology.
Course #: ART 1030
Title: Studio Art for the Non-Art Major
CRN: 21599 or 21600
Instructor: Dianna Huxhold
Description: A general education course for non-art majors that primarily includes a series of hands-on art experiences (such as drawing and sculpture). Class discussion draws from the disciplines of art history, art criticism, and aesthetics as guides through visual presentations. For students desiring to broaden their academic background in the area of visual literacy and problem solving.
Title: Visual Art and Design Printmaking Courses
Instructor: Kathleen "K" Stevenson
Course #: MATH 1810
Title: Co-requisite Contemporary Math
CRN: 20728
Instructor: Math Department
Description: Topics from mathematics which convey to the student the beauty and utility of mathematics, and which illustrate its application to modern society. Mathematical material in this course will center on topics including: proportional reasoning, linear and exponential modeling, geometry, scaling factors, probabiltity and expectations, statistical inference, and financial mathematics. Material will be introduced to students in the form of a real life problem and the mathematics necessary to solve that problem will be developed. QL math course.