Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) Registration

The basic objective of credit/no credit grading is to allow students the opportunity to enroll in classes outside their major or minor on a pass (CR)/fail (NC) basis without affecting their GPA. The following rules apply:

  • Freshmen students may take no more than one class per term on a credit/no credit basis.
  • Students with 30 or more credit hours who have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above may register for no more than two classes per term on credit/no credit basis.
  • A maximum of 20 hours of credit/no credit in elective courses may be used for graduation.
  • Classes taken on a credit/no credit basis will not satisfy major, minor, general education, or specific course requirements. The University Curriculum and General Education Committee have designated a few exceptions to this rule. Please see the academic department for information on these course exceptions.
  • Grades on the credit/no credit system are not included in computing the term or cumulative grade point average. A grade of credit is recorded only for letter grades of C- and above. Grades less than C-, including UW, will be recorded as no credit.
  • Students who change their Program of Study must submit the appropriate form to the Records Office and request the grade be changed to the letter grade issued by the instructor if a credit/no credit course applies to the new Program of Study.
  • If a student has previously taken a course for a letter grade, the same course may not be retaken for credit/no credit.
  • Choice of credit/no credit registration should be made at the beginning of the term, but a student may change classes to credit/no credit status until the CR/NC deadline. This date can be found in the University's .
  • The instructor is not notified when a student takes a class for a credit/no credit grade. The instructor will assign a letter grade on the Final Grade Report and then the Records Office will convert the letter grades to credit or no credit.

How to Declare Credit/No Credit

STEP 1   Fill Out Credit/No Credit Form

STEP 2   Save Form as a PDF

STEP 3   Submit form from Weber email to by the CR/NC deadline.


Send an email from your Weber email account to by the CR/NC deadline providing the following information:

  • Name

  • W#

  • Course & CRN

  • Request to change course to Credit/No Credit