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College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Faculty Accomplishments
Infinite Possibilities

Assistant professor of history James Almeida  presented "Labor Reforms During the Construction of Potosí's Second Royal Mint" in-person in Spanish at the 250th Anniversary of the Potosí Mint Conference Cycle in the National Mint Museum in Potosí, Bolivia.

Daniel Bedford, professor of geography, received 91¶ÌÊÓƵ's RISE Award for Outstanding Researcher in September 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. The award was for a track record of consistent scholarship on human-caused climate change and its impacts.

Professor of social work Mark Bigler presented "Harm Reduction in the Social Work Curriculum:  Preparing for Practice and Supporting Social Justice and Human Rights" and co-presented "Harm Reduction:  Construction and Validation of an Integrated Practice Model" (with Marta Borges and Ines Amaro) at the European Conference on Social Work Education in Porto, Portugal.

Sara Dant, chair of the Deparment of History and professor of history, was a consultant and discussant for Ken Burns' The American Buffalo documentary film that premiered on PBS on October 16. Dant was a guest on the Idaho Humanities Council Podcast episode "Understanding the Public Lands on Context for Idaho Humanities Council Podcast." Dant was a guest on the Mountain & Prairie podcast episode "Dr. Sara Dant Returns – 'Losing Eden: An Environmental History of the American West.'"

Assistant professor of anthropology Joanna Gautney published an article in the Journal of Human Evolution titled "A new approach to exploratory data analysis in hominin phylogenetic reconstruction."

Huiying Hill, chair of the Department of Sociology & Anthropology and professor of sociology, published a "Book review: A Decade of Upheaval: The Cultural Revolution in Rural China" in the International Journal of Comparative Sociology.

Visiting international professor of history Abdulnaser Kaadan was invited as a guest speaker to the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) in Great Britain, to present a lecture, "Ibn Sina, the prince of physicians, and his influences on the western medicine." Kaadan was invited by  The History of Islamic Medicine (HIM) team of The Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) to be a guest speaker and present "Avicenna: The Prince of Physicians and His Influences on Western Medicine" via Zoom. Kaadan presented "Autism and Acquiring a University Education: A Historical Background" at the 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Annual 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Diversity Conference.

Leah LaGrone, assistant professor of history, presented at the Jovita Idar Quarter Release Celebration in San Antonio for Hispanic Heritage Month - Sponsored by the Smithsonian and the US Mint. LaGrone was a guest historian on the Historians at the Movies podcast

Dennis Lee, associate professor of criminal justice, published "The Relationship between Media Engagement and Procedural Justice" with 91¶ÌÊÓƵ student, Matthew Armocida in Deviant Behavior.

Assistant professor of anthropology Madeline Mackie was a co-author of the publication "The Geochronological and Geoarchaeological Context of the Clovis-Age La Prele Mammoth Site (48CO1401), Converse County, Wyoming" in PaleoAmericaMackie published "Beyond market share: Accounting for doctoral program size in recent rates of anthropology faculty job placement" in PLoS ONE. Mackie was the co-author of an article in the Journal of Archaeological Science titled "Rapid increase in production of symbolic artifacts after 45,000 years ago is not a consequence of taphonomic bias."

Aminda O'Hare, associate professor of psychology, gave two webinars on "Mind-Body Connections and Whole-Person Wellness: The Role of Mindfulness" in August for the Florida Library Association and the American Library Association.

Associate professor psychology Aminda O'Hare and assistant professor of psychology Timothy Black sponsored a collaborative student research presentation at the annual meeting for the Society of Psychophysiology, presented by alumnus Jamie Heiner and current student Hannah Hughes. The presentation was titled, "Self-Report and Salivary Alpha Amylase as Indicators of Educator Burnout."O'Hare also sponsored two other research projects, one presented by alumnus Rochely Martinez-Negron - "Replicating the Effects of Test Anxiety on Cognitive Control: An ERP Study" and another presented by alumnus Grace Winder and current student Benson Bush - "Replication of the Color Flanker Task with Emotional Words: A Dual Anxiety Approach." These projects represent the collaborative work within the Department of Psychological Science and the Neuroscience Program.

Dean of the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Julie Rich published "Title: High-Impact Experiential Learning Opportunities through Global Community Engaged Learning" with Jeremy Farner and Diana Meiser in The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies.

Nathan Rives, instructor of history, presented his book chapter “'The Noble Example Afforded by the British’: The Transatlantic Origins of Bible Societies in the U.S., 1804-1816” at the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic annual meeting during its Second-Book Writers’ Workshop.

Associate professor of history Matthew Romaniello published, "Commodities in Context: Moving Materials and Medical Knowledge into Medieval Russia," in Canadian-American Slavic Studies.

Leigh Shaw, professor of psychological science, completed two rigorous courses and was awarded microcredentials in each. The courses included the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) course in Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning and the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) course in Designing Learner Centered and Equitable Courses. 

Professor of psychological science Leigh Shaw and three 91¶ÌÊÓƵ psychological science students, Madisyn Carrington, Sydnee Eubank, and Thomas Frazier, recently attended the 13th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Study of Human Development in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Oct. 13-15). Shaw and Cade Mansfield, assistant professor of psychological science, presented a paper in a symposium on narrative meaning making in adolescence, and Madisyn, Sydnee, and Thomas each presented a poster on data from research collected and coded in our social development lab. The research and travel were supported, in part, by RSPG and OUR grants.

Carla Trentelman, professor of sociology, was part of a panel presentation “Teaching Society and Natural Resources in a Convergent World” at the 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) Conference.

Instructor of social work Steven Vigil gave a workshop presentation "Mindful Approach to Inclusivity - Bias, Transference, and Counter-Transference" at the Zero Suicide Summit 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.

Stephanie Wolfe, associate professor of political science ,was elected First Vice-President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars for the 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ-2025 term.