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In the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, we have a number of different scholarships offered within our programs and departments. To qualify for any of these scholarships, you must fill out the FAFSA and apply for the scholarship in the . Since scholarships are generally awarded in the spring, it is best to complete these steps by Dec. 1 for the following academic year. If you have additional questions after completing these steps, reach out to the listed contact of the department or program.

Click any of the following programs to jump to the scholarships in that area:

College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

Contact Tracy Hicks (tracyhicks@weber.edu) for more information about general College of Social & Behavioral Sciences scholarships in this section.


Contact Sally West (sallywest@weber.edu) for more information about anthropology scholarships in this section.

Criminal Justice

Contact Shellie Weeks (shellieweeks@weber.edu) for more information about criminal justice scholarships in this section.

Geography, Environment & Sustainability

Contact Sarah Rivkind (srivkind@weber.edu) for more information about geography scholarships in this section.


Contact Branden Little (jblittle@weber.edu) for more information about history scholarships in this section.


Contact Mary Beth Willard (marybethwillard@weber.edu) for more information about philosophy scholarships in this section.

Political Science

Contact Mary Beth Willard (marybethwillard@weber.edu) for more information about political science scholarships in this section.

Psychological Science

Contact Alicia Guthrie (aliciaguthrie1@weber.edu) for more information about psychological science scholarships in this section.

Social Work

Contact Sarahi Fernandez (smendozafernandez@weber.edu) for more information about social work scholarships in this section.


Contact Sally West (sallywest@weber.edu) for more information about sociology scholarships in this section.

Master of Social Work

Contact Sarahi Fernandez (smendozafernandez@weber.edu) for more information about MSW scholarships in this section.

The Olene S. Walker Institute of Politics & Public Service

Contact Becky Stromberg (rebeccastromberg1@weber.edu) for more information about Walker Institute scholarships in this section.

Richard Richards Institute for Ethics

Contact Richard Greene (rgreene@weber.edu) for more information about Richard Richards Institute scholarships in this section or visit the Richard Richards Institute website.

Asian Studies

Contact Branden Little (jblittle@weber.edu) for more information about Asian studies scholarships in this section.


Contact Sarahi Fernandez (smendozafernandez@weber.edu) for more information about gerontology scholarships in this section.

Military Science/Army ROTC

Contact the Department of Military Science (arotc@weber.edu) for more information about military science scholarships in this section.


Contact Michelle Jeffs (michellejeffs@weber.edu) for more information about pre-law scholarships in this section.

Public History

Contact Branden Little (jblittle@weber.edu) for more information about public history scholarships in this section.

Women & Gender and Queer Studies

Contact Melina Alexander (melinaalexander@weber.edu) for more information about public history scholarships in this section.

Other Scholarships Offered at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ