Fall 2016 e-Bulletin, Volume 6, No.1

Welcome! It’s time again to celebrate the achievements of our departments, faculty, staff, students and alumni in the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences.

As you read through the first e-Bulletin of the 2016-17 academic year, take this opportunity to catch up on any projects you may have missed and congratulate your fellow social science Wildcats on their accomplishments.

Please continue to give us your feedback and suggestions for the e-Bulletin, and your news about CSBS faculty, staff and student accomplishments, and any lectures and other upcoming events.

Bold type indicates College of Social & Behavioral Sciences faculty; asterisks (*) indicate 91¶ÌÊÓƵ students and alumni.


  • David Lynch, Molly Sween, Mark Denniston and Bruce Bayley (Criminal Justice) published a book Seven Deadly Sins: Constitutional Rights and the Criminal Justice System. Carolina Academic Press, 2016.
  • *Christina Perry (Sociology) published the article "Equality in the Streets, Dominance in the Sheets,” which is based on her senior thesis, in the University of Utah Sociology Department’s Undergraduate Student Journal, Social Dialogue, 8(1): 8-14, fall 2016.
  • *Elizabeth Messerly (Sociology) published the article “Self-Diagnosis and Patient Action,” which is based on her senior thesis, in the University of Utah Sociology Department’s Undergraduate Student Journal, Social Dialogue, 8(1): 15-21, fall 2016.
  • Eric Swedin (History) published the article "Utah’s Spaceport: A Failed Dream" in the Utah Historical Quarterly. 2015.
  • Eric Swedin (History) wrote a book review of True Valor: Barney Clark and the Utah Artificial Heart, University of Utah Press, for a forthcoming issue of the Utah Historical Quarterly. 2015.
  • Susan Matt (History) published the article “The History of American Emotions,” in The American Historian, August 2016.
  • Sara Dant (History) published the book, Losing Eden: An Environmental History of the American West, Wiley-Blackwell, September 2016.
  • Daniel Bedford (Geography) and John Cook published the book Climate Change: Examining the Facts. ABC-CLIO, 2016.
  • Monica Williams (Criminal Justice) and Andrea Leverentz wrote the forthcoming article entitled “Contextualizing Community Crime Control: Race, Geography, and Configurations of Control in Four Communities,” in Criminology.
  • Monica Williams (Criminal Justice) wrote an article entitled “Constructing Hysteria: Legal Signals as Producers of Siting Conflicts over Sexually Violent Predator Placements,” in Law & Social Inquiry (in press).
  • Brady Brower (History) published the article "The Medium is the Message: Enunciation and the Scriptural Economy of Scientific Psychology," in History of the Present, 6.1. Spring 2016.
  • Brady Brower (History) published the article "On Animal Societies: Biology, Sociology, and the Class Struggle in France," in South Atlantic Quarterly, 115.2. April 2016.
  • Peter Loebach (Sociology) and Kim Korinek wrote the chapter “Migrant Networks, Immigrant and Ethnic Economies, and Destination Development,” in Sociology of Development Handbook, Eds. Gregory Hooks and Shushanik Makaryan, University of California Press: Oakland. 2016.
  • Brooke Arkush (Anthropology) published “Prehistoric Big-Game Hunting in Curlew Valley: Archaeological Investigations” at 10OA275 in Archaeological Survey of Idaho Monographs in Idaho Archaeology and Ethnology No. 2, Boise:  Idaho State Historical Society. Fall 2016.
  • Pepper Glass (Sociology) published “Using History to Explain the Present: The Past as Born and Performed” in Ethnography 17(1): 92-110. 2016.
  • Nathan Rives (History) published a book review of T. J. Tomlin's A Divinity for All Persuasions: Almanacs and Early American Religious Life, in the Journal of Religion, No. 2: 298-300. April, 2016.
  • Nathan Rives (History) published a book review of Paul D. Hanson's A Political History of the Bible in America, in Church History and Religious Culture, Volume 96, Issue 3: 462-464. 2016.
  • Chase T. Brower, Eryberto Martinez, Micah Wolfe, Kaleb Shumway, Parker Hughes, Eric Trost and Lauren A. Fowler (Psychology) published “Physiological measures and genetic predictors of empathy” in Proceedings of the National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Asheville, NC. 2016.
  • Alan D. Castel, Michael C. Friedman, Shannon McGillivray (Psychology), Cynthia C. Flores, Kou Murayama, Tyson Kerr and Aimee Drolet published “I Owe You: Age-Related Similarities and Differences in Associative Memory for Gains and Losses,” in Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 23, 549-565. 2016.
  • Clare Conry-Murray, and Leigh A. Shaw (Psychology) published “Young adults in the United States and Benin Reason About Gendered Cultural Traditions,” in Social Development, 1-15. DOI 10.1111/sode.12228. 2016.
  • Cynthia C. Flores, Mary B. Hargis, Shannon McGillivray (Psychology), Michael C. Friedman and Alan D. Castel published “Gist-Based Memory for Prices and ‘Better Buys’ in Younger and Older Adults,” in Memory. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2016.1197944. 2016.
  • Shannon McGillivray (Psychology), and Alan D. Castel wrote “Older and Younger Adults’ Strategic Control of Metacognitive Monitoring: The Role of Consequences, Task Experience and Prior Knowledge,” for Experimental Aging Research, expected in early 2017 (in press).
  • Alan Pehrson, Todd M. Hillhouse (Psychology), Nasser Haddjeri, Renaud Rovera, Joseph H. Porter, Arne Mork, Gennady Smagin, Dekun Song, David Budac, Manuel Cajina, and Connie Sanchez published “Task- and Treatment Length-Dependent Effects of Vortioxetine on Scopolamine-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction and Hippocampal Extracellular Acetylcholine in Rats," in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 358(3): 472-482. 2016.
  • Sally B. Shigley and Lauren A. Fowler (Psychology) wrote “The Expectation of Empathy: Unpacking Our Epistemological Bags While Researching Empathy, Literature, and Neuroscience,” in Emotion and the Research: Sites, Subjectivities and Relationships, Sydney: Emerald Press, which was accepted for publication in 2016.

Presentations and Workshops

  • Monica Williams (Criminal Justice) presented “Legal Framing as a Mechanism for Producing Collective Action: Evidence from Community Opposition to Sexually Violent Predators” at the Law and Society Association annual meeting in New Orleans, June 2016.
  • Monica Williams (Criminal Justice) attended the Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop in Omaha, which is a pre-conference workshop of the annual meeting of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium. 2016.
  • Mark Stevenson (Anthropology) gave the presentation "Invisible Sun: Sustainability Fields and the Elision of Climate Change" at the Royal Anthropological Institute and British Museum Department for Africa, Oceania and the Americas Conference on Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change in London, United Kingdom. May 27-29, 2016. 
  • Mark Stevenson (Anthropology) with Lydia Gravis (Visual Arts), Julia Panko (English) and Michael Wutz (English) organized a film screening of “Brooklyn,” and a presentation on "The Legacy of Ireland's Easter Uprising in Irish Literature" by renowned Irish novelist Colm Tóibín. April 11-12, 2016.
  • Susan Matt (History) presented a paper, co-authored with Luke Fernandez (Computer Science),  entitled "Focus and Fatigue: From Cerebral Hyperaemia to ADHD," at a conference on the Diseases of Modernity--19th century Perspectives, held at Oxford University. September, 2016.
  • Susan Matt (History) gave an invited lecture on "Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the Emotional Styles of American Society" at the University of Tübingen, in Tübingen, Germany. An abridged version of the paper was published on the History News Network: . October, 2016.
  • Branden Little (History) gave a paper, "Allied and American Responses to Germany's Forced Labor 'Deportations' Program in Occupied Belgium," at the Fort Douglas Military History Symposium on Treatment of Enemy Aliens, Conscientious Objectors, and Civilian Populations During World War I, in Salt Lake City, UT. September 2016.
  • Branden Little (History) gave a paper, "Failure to Launch: The American Red Cross in an Era of Contested Neutrality, 1914-1917," on Histories of the Red Cross Movement: Continuity and Change in Adelaide, Australia. September 2016.
  • Brooke Arkush (Anthropology) with Richard Hughes, had the paper “Studying Prehistoric Volcanic Glass Use in the Birch Creek Valley of Eastern Idaho” read at the 35th Biennial Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Reno, NV. October 2016.
  • Stephanie Wolfe (Political Science) gave a presentationThe Evolution of Transitional Justice” in Kigali, Rwanda. June, 2016.
  • Stephanie Wolfe (Political Science) gave a presentation “Reparations: Efforts in Rwanda and Beyond” in Kigali, Rwanda. June, 2016.
  • Sally B. Shigley and Lauren A. Fowler (Psychology) presented “The Story and the Brain: A Neuroscientist and Literary Scholar Examine How Literature Impacts Empathic Responses” at the International Conference on Empathy Studies, Oxford University, England. July, 2016.
  • Leigh A. Shaw (Psychology) wrote “The Institutional Context of and Background for 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Courses,” which was presented at ”The Creation, Implementation, and Teaching of Interdisciplinary General Education Courses at an Open Enrollment University,” a symposium presented at the 56th Annual Conference of the Association of General and Liberal Studies, Salt Lake City, UT, organized by Leigh Shaw, Marjukka Ollilainen, E. Stern and C. Oberg. October, 2016.

Achievements and Awards

  • *Anne Olsen (Political Science minor) was appointed the Sexual and Reproductive Rights Advocate for the national branch of Amnesty International. Spring 2016.
  • 91¶ÌÊÓƵ’s Model UN club, with faculty advisor Stephanie Wolfe, received an honorable mention for best delegation at the first National Model UN Conference attended by 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. November 10-13, 2016. The students who participated were:
    • *Taylor Greenwell
    • *Torrey Sasaki
    • *Baylee Beckman
    • *Sam Mouele
    • *Michael Ballif
    • *Jamie Lobato
    • *Kylie Wilson

Projects and Events

  • Monica Williams (Criminal Justice) was interviewed about the problems sex offenders face in finding housing for a documentary called “Not For Rent!” from Metamora Films. 2016.
  • Sara Dant (History) and Daniel Bedford (Geography) participated in a joint book signing to promote books on the topic of climate change they recently published (separate entries can be found for each author above) November 18, 2016.
  • Stephanie Wolfe (Political Science) was invited to facilitate at the International Conference on Healing and Social Cohesion: Understanding practices from post-genocide and extreme violence in Kigali, Rwanda, November 10-11, 2016.
  • Stephanie Wolfe (Political Science), Mark W. Denniston (Criminal Justice) were panel discussants at the play “Judgment at Nuremberg,” presented by L.A. Theatre Works in Val A. Browning Center October 15, 2016.
  • 91¶ÌÊÓƵ’s chapter of Amnesty International, with faculty advisor Stephanie Wolfe, hosted two events:
    • “Right to Belong,” a four-member panel on Ogden Resettlement of Congolese Refugees with 80 students and community members in attendance.
    • “Transgender Awareness” with Kristen Beck. The event included multiple lectures with a total of 100+ individuals in attendance.


  • *Lauren Homer (Psychology major) and *Samantha Edmunds (Psychology Major) received a grant from the Travel Grant Office of Undergraduate Research, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, November 2016.
  • *Samantha Edmunds (Psychology major) was presented  the Research Fellow Award, George S. & Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation through the Office of Undergraduate Research for the project “Effects of Sleep Quality on Cortisol and Happiness,” October 2016.
  • *Cayla Lynch (Psychology major),  was awarded the Research Fellow Award from the George S. & Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation, through the Office of Undergraduate Research and a $1,000 grant for the project “Attitudes Towards and Usage Patterns of Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigs)” October, 2016.

Upcoming Events

  • December 7: The College of Social & Behavioral Sciences presents the last installment of the Department of History sponsored film series Testaments of Youth: Childhood, Adolescence, and Cinema, 1955-1968. The final film in the series is Heißer Sommer (Hot Summer), directed by Joachim Hasler. The film will be screened in the Wildcat Theater, 7 p.m. 
  • December 16: 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Honors Fall 2016 Graduates
  • January 25: 91¶ÌÊÓƵ welcomes Diana Liverman, PhD of the University of Arizona as part of The College of Social & Behavioral Sciences' Distinguished Lecture Series. She will be speaking about the human dimensions of global environmental change in the Hurst Center Dumke Legacy Hall, 7 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.