Botanists and plant ecologists are needed to save our planet! There is amazing power in these unique organisms, and our world could not exist without them! From tiny lichens to towering pines, plants work to clean... Read more...
Fascinating Careers
You can make an impact on this world by using your botany and plant ecology degree in a variety of careers including soil science, forestry, range management, biotechnology, plant breeding, marine biology, environmental science, and teaching. Read more...
Versatile Programs
We've catered our programs around specific career goals, and added personalized support to help you get to where you want to be. You'll be well-prepared to enter the workforce, and ready to make a difference in the world.Read more...
"I heard the strangest thing in class today!"
Our faculty and staff are here for you! They have journeys that may even surprise you. Get to know us because we want to get to know you and help you succeed.
Meet Our Students
Listen to what botany majors have to say about their programs, the department, and why they chose this field of study.
Student Resources for Majors
Already a Botany and Plant Ecology major? Make use of these great tools and opportunities today. Join us!
Office hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Room TY424, Mail Code 2504
Mailing address
Department of Botany
and Plant Ecology
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2504
Ogden, UT 84408-2504
Building location
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)