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50/50 Site Instructions


  1.  (Tip: bookmark this website for easier access)
  2. Click the "Register" link below the login form.
  3. Fill in the form to create a new account. 
    • Use your @weber.edu email
    • The W number field needs to include the "W" in the beginning. Example: W01234567. This is case-sensitive so make sure to capitalize the "W"
    • Your password needs to be different than your eWeber password.
  4. Once you have logged in for the first time, you will be required to complete the supervisor/timekeeper quiz. This must be completed before you can fully access the site. Use the 50/50 Program Page as a guide for this quiz. 

Log In

  1. Log in using your @weber.edu email address and the password you created during registration
    • Note: Each fiscal year you will be required to take the quiz again. 
    • Both the supervisor and the timekeeper need to take the quiz before students and positions can be updated.

Forgot Password? Reach out to studentemployment@weber.edu to request a password reset. After a reset, you will need to follow the registration steps again to access your account.


Position Updates

Adding Positions

Before you begin:

  • Make sure it's a new position that your office has never had before.
  • Review the details about requirements on the.

Creating a New Hourly Position

  1. Navigate to the "Positions" section on the left side of the portal
  2. Click "+ Add New" in the top right corner.
  3. Fill out all the information about the position.
  4. Important notes about adding a position:
    • The position description needs to meet the following requirements:
      • “Provides meaningful work that allows for the development of skills in career & self-development, leadership, communication, professionalism, critical thinking, teamwork, equity & inclusion, and technology”
    • Starting wage will not necessarily be what they are being paid if they have worked for you before. To make sure they are getting paid the right amount make sure TAS is right.
    • Add the Index number. If you have more than one in TAS put both & separate by a comma
    • Add TAS Org. It can be found on PAR or in TAS next to the department

Creating a New Internship Position

  1. Click yes it’s an internship and make sure job description has learning outcomes.
  2. If you don’t have learning outcomes list overall description.
  3. Then add learning outcomes before you add a student.
  4. Click Add to send the request to student employment.
  5. After entering the position they will be reviewed and you will get an email from the system letting you know it was approved or not.
  6. Once you get the email of approval you can log back into the system to enter the student's information. (access on the sidebar under positions)

Editing Positions

  1. Click on the arrow at the end of your positions. This shows you all the details about your positions.
  2. Click on the pencil to edit the position details
  3. You should have access to edit everything except for the number of positions. If you need to change the number of positions you must complete the update form found on the 50/50 website.
  4. Click update.
  5. Review the information and Save.
  6. Positions must be approved before you can add students.

Student Updates

Adding Students

  1. The position must be approved and have all the information filled out before you can add students.
  2. Click on students in the purple menu at the left.
  3. In the top right corner, there is an Add New button
  4. Fill out all the information about the student.
  5. Important information to remember:
    • GPA & Credits: Use Cattracks or Advisor Dashboard to look information up. If you don’t have access ask the student. If you ask the student and the information is incorrect this could delay the process.
    • Exceptions: Please leave a comment if there is anything you would like us to know and to take into account while reviewing for approval.
  6. Click Add to send the request to student employment.
  7. You will get automatic emails from the system when student employment or Payroll update the funding information.

Updating Students

  1. Click on the arrow at the end of your student employee. This shows you all the details about your student employee.
  2. Click on the pencil to edit the student employee details.
  3. Then click update.
  4. Review the information and then if correct click Save.

Removing Students

  1. Click on the arrow at the end of your student employee. This shows you all the details about your student employee.
  2. Find the student's status in the purple box found in the top right corner. Change the status to Terminated

Funding Status for Student

  • Pending: Your submission has gone through and the student is pending review by student employment.
  • Approved: Student Employment has approved them and passed the information along to Payroll.
  • 50/50 Funded: Officially in TAS and $5.75 an hour coming from 50/50. This status is periodically updated by Payroll.
  • Work Study: Submitted a work study card to payroll
    • This makes them a placeholder. You will not lose your 50/50 position funding status.
  • Department: Don’t meet 50/50 requirements and are a placeholder. Your department is paying for them 100%.
  • Terminated/Expired: No longer in position
  • Denied: This student was denied for 50/50 funding and they did not fall under one of the other categories. This is often because there are no additional positions open for the student employee to fill.


If you have questions about the program, please contact: studentemployment@weber.edu