Career Champions
How Students Can Participate in the Career Champions Program
Career Champions go above and beyond to provide students with the necessary tools to further their career prior to graduation. These individuals are nominated by students and awarded based on their career mentoring abilities.
Career Champions can help with mentoring, connecting you to employers, assisting in next steps in your professional career and so much more.
Nominate a 91¶ÌÊÓƵ faculty or staff member who has shaped your academic or professional career today!
Nominations open each year in September.
Helpful Tips For Faculty & Staff
Being a Career Champion requires you to provide students with meaningful tools to help them in being successful on their journey towards a professional career.
Career Champions notify students about on-campus career fairs and informational sessions. In doing so, students are able to connect with employers and alumni in their profession.
Career Champions serve as a liaison between students, potential employers and Career Services. To further utilize our services, refer to our homepage for more resources to share with students!
2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ-2024 Career Champions
Timothy Black
Assistant Professor of Biological Psychology,
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences
"Dr. Black has been my research mentor for the past two years and I've taken a couple classes with him. I can not express how grateful I am to have him in my life. He has more than prepared me for pursuing a PhD, contributed to my journey of self-discovery, created the framework for my passion in neuroscience. He's more than just a mentor or professor to me. Dr. Black always has his door open to help me, whether it be listening when I need to vent about problems in my personal life, giving advice in every avenue that he is qualified to give, and helping me understand concepts I'm struggling with. He cares deeply about his students and has spent a significant amount of time and effort to make me a good grad applicant. Besides all of those amazing qualitities, he has shaped me into an individual I am proud of being. I have a deep admiration for him and I hope that I can make him proud." - Chandler Peterson
Randy Boyle
Professor of Management Information Systems,
John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics
“Professor Boyle has been a huge help, and a huge inspiration. He continually pushes students in the right direction and I have seen him instill confidence and pride in many students. We need more people on campus that can inspire and push students in the way that he does. Randy has put me in contact with many of his past students that have graduated and are working in top level IT positions. These conversations have been invaluable and are massive career guiding opportunities that I will never be able to pay back.” - Porter Geddes
Lindsay Holland
Senior Graphic Designer,
Marketing & Communication
“Lindsay Holland has been a huge support system and mentor during my career and development as a graphic designer. She is caring, understanding, and incredibly kind to everyone. I feel I have learned so much from her and really improved my design skills thanks to her advise and encouragement. Even as I move in different directions for my career path, I will never forget my time working with Lindsay and I doubt I'll find a more supportive and understanding supervisor. I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done for me and put up with from my worst days to my best.” -Isabel Diaz
Jim Hutchins
Professor Health Sciences, Professor of Neuroscience, Dr. Ezekiel R. Dumke College of Health Professions
“I took Medical Terminology from Dr. Hutchins in the Fall 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ semester. That was my first semester of college being a first generation student. I was faced with a lot of stress about not feeling capable of earning a degree. Dr. Hutchins was very excellent to work with and his class material was fascinating. I've always had a passion for the medical field and taking his class helped me further my desires to earn a BAS. It is clear to see the passion that Dr. Hutchins has for the material he teaches as well as sharing his knowledge with his students.” - Vivian Tremayne
Demetrias Pagonis
Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science
“Demetrios Pagonis is always looking out for his students. He welcomes their interests and fosters a welcoming environment, where it's okay to make mistakes. He understands that learning is a process and it can't be done alone. Not only is he accessible outside of class, he also promotes student unity by giving them a Zoom room to study together. You can tell that he cares, because he consistently values feedback. He does a mid-semester survey, so his improvement won't come at the end of the year, when it's not applicable to his current students anymore. Personally, he has made a difference in my life by inspiring my love for environmental sciences. When others were telling me that I was too young to do research, Dr. Pagonis welcomed me. I feel more at ease about my job outlook and excited about my future as I learn with him in the laboratory. Thank you for being my career champion, Dr. Pagonis!” - Mackey Lin
Jody Perkins
Men of Color College Advancement (MOCCA) Coordinator, Men of Color Club Advisor, Department of Belonging
“Jody is incredibly reliable and trusting. He truly cares about our Men Of Color on campus and anyone that he comes into contact with. He truly extends his hand to help in any way he can imagine, I've seen him change countless individuals' lives with his resilience, care, and tenacity. Jody has contributed to my entire college career by always providing a space to talk and connect through clubs, opportunities, and personal conversations.” - Auston Johnson
Mali Subbiah
Professor of English, Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities
“Dr. Mali is an amazing professor that truly cares about his students in and out of the classroom. He is always trying to connect students to career services and helping them further their academic and career based goals all throughout the college experience. A caring and kind professor who tries to connect with his students on a deeper level than just the assignments and course work. Even while working with me to revise papers, he was convincing me to try new things/styles and really wants to see his students succeed.” - Vance Pedri
Drew Weidman
Professor of Computer Science, College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology
“Along with being a wonderful instructor, he has encouraged and supported me in my journey to get my degree. Many times has he been a reference for me and even helped me land an internship over the summer. Being his assistant has helped me complete my degree and is a great experience to add to my portfolio. Professor Weidman has also opened up opportunities for me. For example, he has nominated me for awards and interviews. Because of this, I will be featured in the commencement video for the upcoming graduation. I am forever thankful for the many things Professor Weidman has done to teach and inspire me as his student, TA, and professional. I can't think of any instructor more deserving.” - Gissel Santoyo
Sonya Welsh
Laboratory Manager, Department of Botany & Plant Ecology College of Science
“Sonya truly cares and shows it by being interested in students interest. She has offered to be a reference for jobs, and informs students on important application deadlines. She genuinely wants students to succeed no matter what they are going through outside of school. I am currently in her career planning for botanist class, she has been a great resource for job opportunities and financial aid. Sonya is a gem and deserves all the recognition for the amazing job she does.” - Anna Groner
James Zagrodnik
Ph.D. Professor, Physical Education, Jerry & Vickie Moyes College of Education
"He really helped me build up my confidence with teaching as in my first class with him I lacked a lot of confidence in myself. However throughout the courses I have taken with him he has really helped build my confidence. This past semester he was my supervisor for student teaching and made the 1.5 hour drive to watch me in all my observations in Evanston, Wyoming where I have been student teaching. Which just shows how much he cares about each and everyone of his students that he works with.” - Tiffany Child
Career Champions Banquet
The Career Champions Banquet recognizes and celebrates the faculty and staff members who have been nominated for their contributions to student career success.
Guest Speakers
Award Ceremony
Professional Photos