SkillSurvey for Supervisors
If you are a 50/50 Funded Student Employee, please visit the SkillSurvey for Student Employees page.
What is SkillSurvey?
SkillSurvey is a tool used to assess the career readiness of our student employees by having them complete self-assessments and by having supervisors review them individually.
Why SkillSurvey?
SkillSurvey provides detailed reports on how our student employees feel about their career readiness. It helps us identify areas where we feel our student employees need improvement.
It also helps open dialogue about how their job on campus is important in helping them build their skills that will be useful down the road.
SkillSurvey Examples:
Completing SkillSurvey:
Each semester, Student Employment will determine a final date to have SkillSurvey completed by all 50/50 supervisors. This is the last day you should have your finalized reports sent to you.
Based on the date you would like your finalized reports sent to you, we create a series of deadlines to help ensure the process is being completed.
- FERPA Consent Due
- Student Employment Uploads the Student Employees to SkillSurvey
- SkillSurvey Self-Assessments and Supervisor Assessments Due
- Finalized Report Date
Example Timeline
- 11/1/24 - FERPA Consent Due
- 11/6/24 - Upload to SkillSurvey
- 11/13/24 - SkillSurvey Due
- 11/18/24 - Finalized Report Sent
Setting Up Your Student Employees With SkillSurvey
- Inform student employees of their requirement to complete SkillSurvey and have them fill out the . This can be done at any time before the deadline. It’s a great idea to have them complete it with new hire onboarding.
- Decide when you want the finalized report and build a timeline with Student Employment: Student Employment will send reminders and will have a deadline each semester to decide on your preferred timeline. If it’s not decided before the deadline, Student Employment will assign a timeline to you.
- Inform your students to check their student email after they are uploaded to SkillSurvey. They will receive a link from SkillSurvey to complete their self-assessment. Have them check their account. If they do not see it there, have them check their spam folder.
- Communicate when you expect your student employees to complete SkillSurvey.
Keep an eye out for emails from Student Employment letting you know if there are certain students who have not completed their self-assessment by the deadline.
Completing your Supervisor Assessment
You will need to complete a supervisor assessment of each student employee under you.
- You will receive a link directly from SkillSurvey. If you do not see it, check your spam folder, and then check with Student Employment.
- Complete the assessment for each of your student employees. Each assessment takes approximately 8 minutes to complete.
- IMPORTANT: To be in accordance with HB261, please DO NOT answer any questions related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. You will be able to select N/A on the following questions (please be aware the questions are randomly shuffled, and will not be in the same order each time):
- "Treat other people, including those of different backgrounds, beliefs, and gender, with fairness and respect?"
- "Demonstrate flexibility by adapting to diverse environments?"
- "Keep an open mind to diverse ideas and new ways of thinking?"
- NOTE: We will be asking your student employees to only answer these questions if they want to discuss it with their supervisor. If they answer the questions, please verify with your student employee that they okay with discussing what they put.
- A finalized report will be sent to you and the student employee to review together.
SkillSurvey FAQs
How do I proceed past the first page of the survey?
Please be sure the required fields (indicated with stars) are completed. Note: most of this information has been provided by the Student, and you are only asked to confirm. However, the "Specific area of expertise" can only be provided by you, the Evaluator.
Why did I receive an odd email after I completed the survey stating that I sent an email to an unmonitored email address?
The message you received is automatically generated when someone sends an email to and is unrelated to your survey process. You can confirm that your survey was submitted successfully by trying to access your survey. After you click your survey link, you should see a message that your survey has already been completed; if you can access your Information Verification page, then your survey was not submitted successfully
What do I do if I am unable to access the link?
If you are running into issues accessing SkillSurvey, please attempt the following steps:
- Disable your pop-up blocker/lower security settings
Add SkillSurvey as a trusted site
If these steps do not work, reach out to Student Employment with the issues you are running into. Please include screenshots and steps taken if applicable.
If you have questions about the 50/50 program, please contact: