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Find My Criminal Justice Advisor

Thank you for visiting the Department of Criminal Justice Advising page. We're dedicated to helping you achieve your academic and professional goals! Take a moment to review the following resources, and should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our academic advisors.

Are you lost? Totally confused about where to even start? Send your name, W#, and a general description of the help you need to cjadvising@weber.edu and we will get the right person to help you.

General Education (GE) Academic Advising

College General Education (GE) Academic Advisors

The Criminal Justice advisors help you with questions pertaining to the Criminal Justice program and curriculum. All other general advising questions (general education, registration holds, financial aid plans, new student orientation, first semester schedule, bounce back program, etc.) should be directed to the College Academic General Education (GE) Advisors.

For those who still have general education courses to complete, please contact a CSBS General Education Advisor at 801-626-7809 or make an online appointment.


Criminal Justice Academic Advising

New Students

After completing orientation, contact the CSBS advisors for assistance with your major and first semester schedule.

Current Students

If you are making sufficient progress toward your criminal justice degree and need some program specific advising, schedule an advising appointment below using the advisor's direct link.

Prospective Students

Make an appointment with an advisor through Starfish if you are a registered prospective student. If you are not registered, please call 801-626-6146 or email cjadvising@weber.edu.

General CJ Advising

Dr. Molly Sween
Department chair related advising like course articulation/exception questions, transfer students, students needing to fill out POST credit or PSOCAR/G paperwork. Dr. Sween also advises Juvenile Justice and Victim Advocacy Certificate of Proficiency students.
Phone: 801-626-7293
Email: mollysween@weber.edu

Dr. Sween's advising hours are by appointment only, and she would prefer that you schedule a telephone or Zoom appointment with her.  To set up an appointment, please reach out to the CJ Department Administrative Specialist, Shellie Weeks (). 

Professor Jean Kapenda
General CJ advising
Phone: 801-626-6123
Email: jeankapenda@weber.edu

Professor Kapenda's advising hours for spring 2025 are Tuesday and Wednesday 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.  Schedule an appointment with him through .

Professor Michelle Jeffs
Pre-law and Internship advising
Phone: 801-626-8158
Email: michellejeffs@weber.edu

Professor Jeff's advising hours for spring 2025 are Monday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. by appointment only.  To schedule a meeting with Professor Jeffs, email her at michellejeffs@weber.edu.

If you are making a pre-law advising appointment, please fill out the  and review the prior to your meeting.

Forensic Science Advising

Mitch Pilkington
CSI and forensic science advising
Phone: 801-430-6784
Email: mitchellpilkington@weber.edu