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Parent Access and Responsibilities


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

In accordance with , in order to have access to your student's information, your student will need to fill out a Student Information Release Form.

IEP/504 Plans for Concurrent Enrollment Students

If accommodations in a 504 plan or IEP have proven effective for a student at the High School level, and are reasonable for a university level class, they should continue in Concurrent Enrollment classes.

Students enrolled in 91Ƶ Concurrent Enrollment classes may request college accommodations in accordance with relevant disability law if there is a disagreement about the 504/IEP plan being reasonable for a university course.

Learn more about 91Ƶ Disability Services for Concurrent Enrollment

Hear from former Dual Enrollment parents about their experiences in our programs

Brenda Matern

Supportive Parent

Meeting with our advisor was the turning point to make it happen for my boys to achieve an associate's degree in high school

Stacie Morris

Supportive Parent

The growth that I saw as a parent for her honestly was one of the most beautiful things I could witness

Parent Responsibilities and Tips

  • Be their biggest supporter – Celebrate their success!
  • Listen to their thoughts and concerns about Dual Enrollment.
  • Attend advising appointments with your student.
  • Help them see the opportunity – connect Dual Enrollment to their goals.
  • Learn about available resources to support their success.
  • Encourage your student to advocate for themselves!
  • Ask questions and stay informed!