Dr. Julie Rich, Professor


Office: LH 365

Phone: 801-626-6209

Email: jrich@weber.edu


Ph.D. in geography, St. John's College, University of Oxford

M.S. in geography, University of Utah

B.S. in geography (cum laude), Weber State College

Academic Interests

Dr. Rich places much emphasis on teaching and field work in order to help her students gain a better understanding and appreciation for the dynamic planet on which we live.

Her current research interests include arid environments and environmental change with research concentrating on Quaternary paleoclimates, paleoenvironments and geochronology using optical (luminescence) dating methods.

Courses Taught at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ

  • GEOG PS 1000 Natural Environments of the Earth
  • GEOG 3050 Weather and Climate
  • GEOG 3080 Arid Lands
  • GEOG 3450 Cartography
  • GEOG 3500 Geography of Utah
  • GEOG 4950 Advanced Regional Field Studies
  • GEOG 4990 Senior Research Seminar

Selected Publications

  • Rich, J., Stokes, S., Wood, W., Bailey, R., 2003, Optical dating of tufa via in-situ aeolian sand grains: a case example from the Southern High Plains, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2003, Vol. 22:1145-1152.
  • Rich, J., 2003, South Arm Circulation of the Great Salt Lake. In Gwynn, J.W. (ed.), Physical, Chemical and Economic Aspects of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Utah Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources Special Publication, 584 pgs.
  • Wood, W., Stokes, S., and Rich, J., 2002, Implications of water supply for indigenous Americans during Holocene aridity phases on the Southern High Plains, USA, Quaternary Research, 2002, Vol. 58: 139-148.
  • Rich, J., and Stokes, S., 2001, Optical dating of geoarchaeologically significant sites from the Southern High Plains and South Texas, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 20: 949-959.
  • Stokes, S., Colls, A.E.L., Fattahi, M., Rich, J., 2000, Investigations of the performance of quartz single aliquot De determination procedures, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 32: 585-594.
  • Stokes, S., Rich, J., Swinehart, J., 1999, Holocene timing of megabarchan dune construction in the Nebraska Sand Hills, Geological Society of America, Oct. 25-28, 1999 annual meeting, Boulder CO, Abstracts with Programs. Geological Society of America 31, No. 7: 231.
  • Rich, J., and Stokes, S., 1999, Holocene chronology for lunette dune deposition on the Southern High Plains, USA. J. Rich and S. Stokes, Zietschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplement band 116: 165-180.
  • Rich, J., and Stokes, S., 1999, New applications of luminescence dating to Late Quaternary lunette deposits on the Southern High Plains, USA, Current Research in the Pleistocene, Vol. 16:143-146.