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Department of Geography Internships

The Department of Geography maintains an extensive network of internship opportunities to help prepare you for life after graduation. As an intern, you can gain practical experience while applying your skills outside of the classroom. You can also earn senior-level college credit, and likely earn a competitive wage.
Many internships turn into full-time jobs after graduating with a degree in geography.


How to Sign Up

  1. Look for internship opportunities the department sends to students through Wildcat, or seek out an internship on your own.
    (Wondering if an internship opportunity is appropriate? Find the correct faculty member's contact info below.)
  2. Once an internship is arranged, you must meet with a faculty member before registering for Cooperative Work Experience (GEOG 4890).
  3. Register for Cooperative Work Experience (GEOG 4890) in order to get credit for your internship. 

Academic Credit

GEOGR 4890 – Cooperative Work Experience (1-6 credit hours)

  • Internship or Paid Position: 3 hours per week for the duration of the semester per credit hour (thus 3 hours/week X 15 weeks = 45 total hours worked per credit hour).
  • This means that students working or interning 9 hours/week or more for the duration of the semester may earn 3 credit hours for the semester.

Information for Students