Alternative Work Guidelines & Expectations


The purpose of these alternative work guidelines and expectations is to provide the structure and processes under which 91¶ÌÊÓƵ (“University”) may permit supervisors to grant employees, that they supervise, the permission to have alternative work arrangements. All alternative work arrangements must comply with the University Policy and Procedures Manual (“PPM”) as well as applicable state and federal laws (e.g., Fair Labor Standards Act, UOSH). Participating supervisors and employees recognize that the University, in its sole discretion, may modify or discontinue the alternative work arrangement at any time. 

Alternative Work Arrangement Options and Alternative Work Arrangement Form

Supervisors and employees may agree upon a number of alternative work arrangements including schedule and location agreements. These include:

  • Compressed Full-Time Schedules                       
  • Flexible Schedules                                  
  • Ad Hoc Schedules                                  
  • Remote Work (Location)                       

Supervisors and employees will formalize the expectations of these alternative work arrangements in the Alternative Work Arrangement Form. The specific steps to complete the Alternative Work Arrangement Form are detailed in Section 3. In this form, the supervisors and employees may agree to work arrangements that combine elements of the different alternative work arrangements. The supervisors will clearly communicate their expectations in the Alternative Work Arrangement Form. To become official, the supervisors must review and sign off on the Alternative Work Arrangement Form and HR must review and approve the arrangement.

These alternative work arrangements do not change the supervisor-employee obligations outlined in the University PPM. Employees will request leave in accordance with established departmental procedures and will accurately report their leave and time worked in time and attendance reports. They are responsible for communicating with their supervisors and co-workers. For example, employees are still responsible for attending meetings and fulfilling all other obligations. Employees are obligated to timely complete their work responsibilities and work the schedule described in the Alternative Work Arrangement Form. Departures from approved time without authorization may violate the University PPM and may constitute violations of the law such as theft and fraud.  

Similarly, supervisors will review and approve time and attendance reports. Supervisors will require their employees to timely complete their work obligations and communicate their expectations to these employees. Supervisors will approve or deny requested changes in work schedules. Supervisors will immediately report to Human Resources any workplace-related injury or illness. 

Details of alternative work options can be found at the following . Guidelines for alternative work arrangements can be found below:


Supervisors and employees will define the expected work schedule whether it be:

  • Regular operating business hours (e.g. five days a week between 7:30 AM to 5 PM);
  • Compressed Full-Time (e.g. four 10-hour days); or
  • Flexible Schedules (hours other than business hours).

Employees who work remotely will meet the same average work-per-week expectations as full-time employees, who work at University managed workspaces (exempt 40-50 hours; non-exempt 40, unless otherwise authorized by supervisor).  All provisions of the FLSA will be followed.

Communication Avenues

Supervisors and employees will define the frequency (e.g. daily, weekly, as needed, etc.) and the nature (e.g. email, telephone, teleconferencing, in-person meetings, etc.) of their communication. Supervisors may require employees to:

  • report in writing their weekly progress,
  • participate in-person or remotely in staff meetings;
  • use project management software, virtual file sharing, and other communication software and tools, or
  • set other expectations.

Outside planned communication, employees will respond promptly to their supervisors and other people (i.e. internal and external customers) as is necessary to perform their work responsibilities. Supervisors are required to communicate with the employees, who they supervise, to hold them accountable for completing their tasks.

Data Management

Many University employees access sensitive data at work. As indicated above, employees will comply with the University PPM and, more particularly, will comply with the PPM 10-1 Information Security Policy. Accordingly, employees working remotely will use network access procedures established by the University and approved software applications to secure data in transit and at rest. All employees who are working remotely will utilize virtual private network (VPN) access, multi-factor authentication, and hardware uploaded with anti-malware software with up-to-date virus definitions. The employees are responsible for their work devices regularly receiving software updates to patch locally hosted vulnerabilities. Employees will keep sensitive printed materials in a secure location and may not disclose or make accessible to any other person, including household members, University equipment, records, or materials.    

Non-Related Work Activities

Employees will work during scheduled work hours unless approved leave is taken as authorized by their supervisors. Accordingly, employees will not do non-related work activities during scheduled work hours including, but not limited to providing childcare, family, or dependent health care, etc. Employees may take periodic breaks as outlined in PPM 3-2.

Remote Work Equipment

Within budgetary constraints and based on the nature and type of work performed, supervisors should determine the propriety of purchasing equipment to be used at the remote locations. Remote workers will limit the use of University purchased equipment for only authorized uses consistent with PPM 10-2, Acceptable Use Policy; list all University purchased equipment in the Alternative Work Arrangement Form; and will return the University purchased equipment at the conclusion of the remote working arrangement.

Employees will maintain University owned equipment in good working order. Employees will notify their supervisors when their University owned equipment requires repairs or no longer works. Unless otherwise directed by supervisors, employees will coordinate with University service providers (e.g. IT) to fix problems with the University owned equipment. Employees will dispose of University owned equipment according to the University PPM.

Employees may only use personal equipment to perform worked related tasks if approved by their supervisor and following all rules for such use (VPN, etc.). Notwithstanding, employees should not use personal computers to process sensitive data (see PPM 10-1). The University is not liable for damages to employees’ personal property that is used while working remotely.  

Remote Work Location

Employees will set aside a remote work location that is ergonomically sound, clean, safe and free of obstructions and hazardous materials. The location will be reasonably free of distractions and will be located where other individuals cannot overhear or view confidential information. (i.e. FERPA compliance). Other areas of the property are not part of the remote work location. In particular, known hazards, including areas with pets, staircases, driveways, streets, icy surfaces, and outside areas are not part of the remote work location.  Employees will complete the Alternate Worksite Safety checklist

The employee will receive approval from Human Resources prior to beginning work in the remote location. Beyond work related travels, employees will restrict their work activities only to worksites on campus or approved remote locations.

The employee will receive approval from the University supervisor to temporarily work in any other space than the approved remote work location. All long-term or regular remote work in different locations will go through the same approval process described herein.

The University is not liable for damages to employee’s personal property that is used at a remote location. Similarly, employees are not entitled to reimbursement for expenses related to rent, remodeling, or other expenses related to the remote location.  Employees are responsible for their remote work location complying with all applicable zoning, coding, or other applicable laws or ordinances.

University Dismissals and Closures

Employees—scheduled to work remotely on a day when delayed-arrival, early-dismissal, or closure is authorized on campus—will continue to work as scheduled except as authorized by their supervisors.


When injured during the course and scope of their job duties while working at an approved remote location, employees must immediately notify their supervisors and Human Resources. These employees and their supervisors must complete all the documents that the University requires regarding the reported injury.  The University assumes no liability for injuries that are not work-related, that occur at unapproved workspaces, arise, in part, from the employees’ failures to abide by the terms of the Alternative Work Arrangement Form, or that occur outside of scheduled work hours. 


Meetings at Remote Work Location

Employees will not meet with clients, co-workers, or the public at the remote location without the University supervisor approval. In particular, employees may not meet with students or subordinates at the remote location.

In-Person Meetings and Events

Employees who are working remotely will physically come on campus when requested by the supervisor. However, alternative accommodations can be made to attend meetings virtually where approved by the supervisor. Employees may be required to come to campus at regular intervals or as otherwise required by the supervisor. To facilitate networking, the employees will attend their division events, workshops, retreats or project meetings, unless other arrangements are made with their supervisors. 

Work Time and Travel

The employee will not be paid for time or mileage involved in travel between the remote work site and the primary worksite, except as required under the FLSA.


Wellness time may be taken while working remotely and may be taken off campus. The wellness schedule and location will be approved by the supervisor.