91¶ÌÊÓƵ Supervisor Roundtables

Facilitated by the Department of Human Resources

Gather monthly to connect with colleagues and peers across campus as well as hear from resident experts and receive real-time answers and insight to the challenges you currently face.  

Designed with you in mind, these roundtables were created with the goal of creating a space that is helpful for you as you seek to lead and manage your team successfully. Each roundtable includes a short presentation on a system or process you need to know in your supervisor role. Following the presentation is an open forum where you can ask whatever questions you have at that time.

HR specialists will be on hand to help address challenges and situations specific to your team and department. Additionally, we hope that through coming together you will also hear from your peers as we encourage everyone to share  insights, tips, and tricks on how to manage employees well.

Where & When

Lindquist Hall Room 101 (Zoom option available)
3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Third Wednesday of Every Month

Upcoming Topics

Sept 18: Training & Development (OWL)

We ask you to submit questions ahead of time. If you have a suggestion for a Roundtable topic, please let us know!