91¶ÌÊÓƵ Department of Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Department is committed to providing a professional, in-depth, and responsive appraisal service. Although audits are based on the past and present, the main focus of an audit is improving procedures and practices in the future.

Internal Audit is a department within the University empowered to provide the following services to the University community:

  • Financial, operational and compliance audits
  • Special reviews and investigations
  • Advice on specific control issues as requested
  • Internal Control Training
  • Management Consultant Services

The Internal Audit department is an integral part of the managerial process, providing impartial evaluations of campus activities in order to assist the University Community in obtaining its goals. The Internal Audit Department reports directly to the President and the Board of Trustees to ensure maximum independence of the auditors (Organizational Chart).

91¶ÌÊÓƵ has selected Red Flag Reporting to provide individuals with the ability to anonymously and confidentially report complaints about accounting, auditing, internal control, and other related issues.  Reports can be made via the phone or internet.     

To file a complaint:

  • Call 1-888-524-7144
  • Go online to

Mission Statement

91¶ÌÊÓƵ Internal Audit is an independent appraisal activity within the University for the review of operations as a service to management. It is a managerial control, which functions by measuring and evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of controls and operations. The Internal Audit Department is committed to providing a professional, in-depth and responsive appraisal service.

Goals and Objectives

  • Assist the University Community in obtaining its goals in an efficient and effective manner by recommending procedures to improve controls and operational efficiencies.
  • Provide assurance to the University that necessary financial and management controls are present to safeguard loss or misuse of funds.
  • Recommend controls for the prevention and detection of fraud and misappropriation.
  • Ascertain compliance within established government laws, regulations and university policy and procedures ().
  • Render advice and recommendations for improving efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
  • Focus on the future by improving processes.
  • Offer consulting services concerning issues related to internal controls, special investigations, and other areas of concern.