Significant Professional and University Service

Board of Directors, International Society for Salt Lake Research

5/18 –

  • One of 11 members of the international Board.
  • Develop programs to promote the study, management, and conservation of saline lakes.
  • Organize a triennial international research conference, including location, scientific program, and logistics.

Board of Directors, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

4/15 – 6/18

  • One of 15 members of the international Board
  • Prioritized programs and initiatives for the 60,000-member international organization
  • Reviewed and approved $5,037,572 (FY14) annual budget
  • Made strategic plans for maintaining and using $12,980,699 (FY14) endowment

Northwest Region, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

5/15 – 6/18

  • Directed recruitment and chapter activities of 32 regional chapters in North America
  • Reviewed chapter annual reports
  • Organized regional group delegate meetings for the 2015 annual meeting

W.S.U., College of Science Tenure Review Committee

11/12 – 5/15

  • Developed a revised tenure document used by the College of Science
  • Served as liaison between the Dean and college faculty in deliberations regarding tenure decision policies
  • Prepared, submitted and presented the documents for review by the Academic, Promotion, Academic Freedom, and Tenure Committee
  • Prepared and submitted documents to the Faculty Senate
  • For the first time ever, established the criteria and procedures by which faculty in the college are evaluated post-tenure
  • Conducted “town-hall” meeting with college faculty to discuss implications of post-tenure review
  • Prepared, submitted and presented the documents for review by the Academic, Promotion, Academic Freedom, and Tenure Committee (approved 4/12/2013)
  • Prepared and submitted documents to the Faculty Senate (approved 4/19/2013)

W.S.U., Faculty Board of Review

9/11 – 6/12

  • Reviewed cases of academic due process with regard to granting of tenure/promotion, salary, work conditions and other pertinent matters of faculty concern


Board of Directors, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

11/08 – 12/10

  • One of 15 members of the international Board
  • Prioritized programs and initiatives for the 60,000-member international organization
  • Reviewed and approved $5,448,276 (FY09) annual budget
  • Made strategic plans for maintaining and using $8,796,883 (FY09) endowment
  • Attended three Board of Directors meetings and participated in eight Board teleconferences

Comprehensive Colleges & Universities Constituency Group, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

11/08 – 12/10

  • Directed recruitment and chapter activities of 130 constituency chapters in North America
  • Reviewed 130 chapter annual reports
  • Organized constituency group delegate meetings at the 2009 annual meeting

Comprehensive Colleges & Universities Constituency Group, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

Associate Director
12/07 – 11/08

  • Reviewed 128 chapter annual reports
  • Assisted Director in organizing 2008 annual meeting activities

W.S.U., College of Science Ranking & Tenure Committee

10/05 – 05/08

  • Evaluated a total of 17 candidates for promotion or tenure
  • Reviewed the performance evaluation of the College Dean and worked with the Provost to formulate his final report

W.S.U. chapter, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

9/01 – 9/08

  • Successfully completed and submitted seven annual reports, which are required for maintaining the chapter in good standing
  • Recruited 38 students as members of the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ chapter of Sigma Xi
  • Organized 22 on-campus seminars, including local, national, and international speakers
  • Served as an official delegate to 2002, 2004, 2008 annual meetings of Sigma Xi
  • Served as an official teller at the 2004 annual meeting of Sigma Xi

W.S.U., Office of Academic Affairs, Science General Education Assessment Task Force

9/01 – 9/07

  • For the first time ever, wrote a Mission Statement that encompasses both the life sciences and physical sciences 
  • Identified Learning Outcomes for each general education course in the sciences and articulated outcomes with the curriculum grid
  • Established and implemented an assessment plan across four colleges
  • Administered and compiled the first ever results of science general education assessment
  • Completed a self-study of science general education for 2004 Northwest Accreditation review
  • Prepared formal Science Gen Ed proposal, which subsequently received unanimous approval from the Faculty Senate