Literature Emphasis
The study of literature is the core of what we do. From "classic" writers such as Shakespeare and Dickinson to contemporary artists such as Viet Thanh Nguyen and Taylor Swift, our Literature emphasis will give you new insights into the value of literature in our world.
Students pursuing the Creative Writing emphasis will demonstrate...
The ability to gather, analyze and communicate information and insights critically
The ability to closely read and analyze texts within historical contexts and critical frameworks
The ability to apply current scholarship and practice in their own writings
Employ discipline-specific terminology and conventions in their written, oral and/or multimodal presentations

You’ll take courses such as
- Global Gothic Literature
- Jhumpa Lahiri and Viet Thanh Nguyen
- Moby Dick
- Queer Literature
- Shakespeare on the Contemporary American Stage
- Studies in Literary Theory and Criticism
- Taylor Swift Studies
- Women's Movement in Literature
- Young Adult Literature
…and more

Literature Thesis
Literature theses should be written in academic prose, adhering to the stylistic guidelines of the discipline as modeled in peer-reviewed publications. Three (3) credit theses should be approximately 6,000-7,000 words in length including in-text references and works cited/bibliography. The thesis should be formatted consistently using whichever style guide is agreed upon with the committee.