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Medical Laboratory Sciences 


Students interested in online programs are required to obtain their own clinical support for the program; we do not assist with placement. The best way to secure clinical support is to already be a valued employee in a laboratory. Due to confidentiality agreements, we cannot provide a list of laboratories we are affiliated with.


  discover what is required for clinicals for the online program 

Clinical hours for our program are designed to be completed concurrently with the lecture portion of the course.  The student learns the laboratory concepts through online lectures and then practices those concepts in real time at their supporting lab. For example, during the semester the student is taking clinical hematology, they would also be completing hematology clinical hours in their supporting laboratory with their mentor. 

The goal of the clinical experience is for the laboratory mentor to feel comfortable with the student’s performance at the entry level. 


before you apply, obtain a Statement of Support  

Students should review the competency checklists with their lab manager and mentors to determine if the checklist items marked mandatory are available at the facility or if additional support needs to be obtained.