About Dr. Shannon McGillivray

I'm originally from a small town in Northern California about 100 miles north of San Francisco.  At 16, I decided to take a less than traditional academic track and dropped out of high school, and enrolled in my local community college. After a few years there, I transferred to UC Berkeley where I received my bachelor's degree in Psychology.  After my undergrad, I spent 4 years working in a neuropsychological/behavioral lab where I gained invaluable research experience.  I entered graduate school at UCLA, and received my Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology in 2013.  

A few weeks after graduation I joined the faculty here at Weber State.  I love being in the classroom and working with students, as well as continuing with research. My research interests focus primarily on memory, metacognition. More specifically, I am interested in factors such as interest, emotion, and strategic processes that positively influence and enhance explicit memory, decision making, and metacognitive accuracy in younger and older adults.  For fun I enjoy watching movies, relaxing, kayaking, and hiking with my husband and our awesome dog Franky (aka Frank the Tank).